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European Year of Volunteering 2011

Description of Flagship Projects

In the framework of the European Year of Volunteering 2011 the European Commission launched a call for proposals for flagship projects. The purpose of this call was to support one or two flagship projects per Member State, which will receive a grant from the European Commission, in order to test and develop new and innovative schemes and approaches with a view to build long-term partnerships between civil society organisations operating in the area of volunteering.

Selected projects:

1. Migration and Volunteering - AT-95


The project's goal is to evaluate and compare voluntary work and its structures in three cities (Graz, Middelsborough, Lbuljana), focusing on the participation of migrants in voluntary work.
To do so, the partner-organizations in these three cities visit each other to find out more about best-practice-models. Furthermore, in all three cities an evaluation is carried out in form of a quantitative questionnaire, filled out by different organizations and migrants dealing with voluntary work.

The highlight of the project is a conference in Graz, where also the results of the research are presented and discussed.

Project leader: Caritas der Diözese Seckau, Graz, Austria

Co-beneficiaries: BME network CIC, Middlesbrough, England, Slovene Philanthropy, Centre for promotion of Voluntary work, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Stadt Graz, Integrationsreferat, Graz, Austri.

2. European Night Without Accident 2011 - BE-102


The European Night Without Accident is a volunteering project for and by young drivers on Saturday 15 October 2011 in all 27 EU Member States. 1.000 volunteers, aged 18 to 29 years, will go to 200 nightclubs and ask the young drivers to accept the commitment not to drink alcohol or to use drugs when they have to drive home. At the end of the evening, the volunteers offer the possibility to all participating drivers to prove to their passengers they are responsible young European citizens by doing a voluntary breathalyser test and/or drug test.

Project leader: Fondation Tanguy Moreau de Melen Responsible Young Drivers – Secura Forum

Co-beneficiaries: Association for Students and Civil Society in the county of Hajdú-Bihar, Hungary; Association Avenir Santé France, France; Cambridgeshire County Council, United Kingdom; Finnish Health Association, Finland; GARE, Portugal; GODA – Forenigingen Gode Alkoholdninger, Denmark; KRZYS Foundation, Poland; Municipality of Vidin, Bulgaria; Responsible Young Drivers asbl, Luxembourg; Road Safety Authority, Ireland; RSI Panos Mylonas, Greece; SPI Forschung/MISTEL, Germany; Stichting Responsible Young Drivers Nederland, The Netherlands; Zavod Varna pot, Slovenia

3. 'Volunteer! …through road safety.'- BG-62


The aim of the project 'Volunteer! …through road safety' is to test an approach to study the advantages and disadvantages and to develop a European model of making an informed choice on whether to organize a one-time volunteer action or a full-scale volunteer campaign, given different circumstances and desired effect, built on peer-to-peer communication and promoting civic participation. The project will not only address the question 'What is it to be a volunteer?' but it will also give concrete answers on the more important ones: 'Why to be a volunteer?' and 'How to be a volunteer?'.

Project leader: Open Youth, Bulgaria

Co-beneficiaries: Ministry of Health, Bulgaria, Municipality of Gramada, Bulgaria, Sebaction, Belgium, TOP-25, Belgium.

4. Volunteering for All - CZ-29


The project „Dobrovolnictví pro všechny' (Volunteering for All) is a joint proposal of a partnership consisting of 3 NGOs and 1 public body which have extensive experience in both theoretical and research activities and practical management and implementation of voluntary activities at all levels. The project focuses on priority themes such as mobility of (young) volunteers in cross-border regions, volunteering of seniors, volunteering as a tool for fighting social exclusion and volunteering as a part of corporate responsibility. The proposed activities comprise a thorough preparation phase including promotion of the project's objectives in the voluntary sector, a series of regional seminars with the aim to initiate ten concrete local voluntary initiatives, two international conferences, two publications (presentation of good practices and promotion of research results), information and promotion tools such as specific website (incl. information in foreign languages) and itinerant exhibitions, methodological materials as well as dissemination and advocacy activities towards policy makers at all levels. The project directly targets approx. 500 participants and aims at reaching more than 3000 people indirectly through its promotion and dissemination activities.

Project leader: Hestia, o.s.

Co-beneficiaries: Dobrovolnicke centrum Ustin nad Labem, o.s.; Plan B, o.s.; Národní institut detí a mládeže Ministerstva školství, mládeže a telovýchovy CR.

5. Active Citizens for better Communities - DE-70


This project gives the chance to exchange new ideas and experiences throughout Europe on voluntary activities and to increase citizens' participation. In October 2011 takes place the mid-year conference of CEV (Centre Européen du Voluntariat) in Berlin, where over 300 volunteers and practitioners from all over Europe gather together to develop their skills in the field: The beginning of the project is marked by the selection of fifteen projects made in Berlin on existing online portals. The projects have to be presented in English. Moreover, Active Citizens for better Communities wants to develop a specific program focused on sharing expertise on the technical instrument of communication. A further step is represented by a modern online conference aimed at bringing up the experiences of the participants in different European countries.

Project leader: Bundesnetzwerk Bürgerschaftliches Engagement (BBE).

Co-beneficiaries: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bürgerschaftliches Engagement (ARBES), Bundesanstalt Technisches Hilfswerk (THW), Bundesarbeitgemeinschaft der Freiwilligenageturen (BAGFA), Die Hilfsbereischaft e.V., Stabsstelle Burgerengagement und Freiwilligendienste beim Ministerium fur Arbeit und Sozialordnung, Familien und Senioren in Baden-Wurttemberg, Verbund Freiwilligen-Zentren im Deutschen Caritasverband, Centre Européen du Volontariat (CEV), Belgique.

6. Fachkonferenz " Potentiale nutzen: Förderung des ehrenamtlichen Engagements Jugendlicher " / Symposium "Developing the Promotion of Voluntary Engagement of Young People" - DE-79


This project stresses the importance of social engagement of youth to shape a better civil society through culture and integration. The main idea underlying the initiative is that through this commitment and active participation, young people can acquire crucial competences for a successful life; not only on the labour market but also as a way to develop their personality and their character. In order to stimulate youngsters to new ways of learning through voluntary activities; the symposium organized involves around 120 people with different backgrounds, such as politics and government, science, youth welfare and education, civic and media foundations in Berlin and across Germany. It is important to underline that the whole project is based on a strong cooperation between the government (at several levels) and Non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

Project leader: Landesjugendring Berlin e. V.

Co-beneficiaries: Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung, Senatsverwaltung für Integration, Arbeit und Soziales, Stiftung SPI (Drehscheibe Kinder – und Jugendpolitik), Landesvereinigung Kulturelle Jugendbildung e. V., Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband Berlin e.V. (für die LIGA der Spitzenverbande der freien Wohlfahrtspflege Berlin.

7. The faces of volunteers in Europe for an active citizenship - DK-2


The project is aimed at increasing awareness on the importance of volunteering and at motivating young Danes to get involved into voluntary activities. The partners of this project organize a joint dissemination / information campaign in Denmark on the EYV 2011 to highlight the added value given by volunteering at local, national, European and international level. These activities are also seen as a tool to develop work culture and expertise to organise a Volunteer Festival in the area of Lolland, Denmark.

Project leader: Fagligt Internationalt Center (FIC)

Co-beneficiaries: AOF Denmark, Socialpolitisk Forening, FrivilligCenter Lolland, Lolland Kommune.

8. Volunteer for Tomorrow - EE-80

Description: The project targets young Estonians, aged 14-26 and people potentially interested to engage into voluntary activities at local level in Estonia with two main goals. Firstly, it should raise awareness on the concept and use of volunteerism. Secondly, the first goal should enhance the motivation of young people to volunteer. The project envisages reaching more than 2500 young people, youth workers and NGOs.

Project leader:Sillamäe Lastekaitse Ühing / Sillamae Society for Child Welfare

Co-beneficiaries: Peace Child Estonia (PCE), Tallinn Sports and Youth Department (TSYD), Vaivara Commune Administration (VCA).

9. Promote Immigrant Volunteering to Reclaim Community Life - EL-39


The objective of this project is to promote voluntary activities and networking in local communities of immigrants and non immigrants. This process should strengthen the sense of belonging and inclusion in the community and to recover "community life". Another aim is to reinforce civic engagement and to create a better environment for volunteering, through the participation of immigrants living in two neighbourhoods of Athens, NGOs staff and 24 immigrant communities.

Project leader: Athens Networking of Collaborating Experts

Co-beneficiaries: University of the Aegean / Research Unit, Greece, Lunaria, Italy, Diputación de Granada - Séccion de Juventud, Spain.

10. Movement of Volunteers for Parks - EL-118


The project aims at the research, exchange and dissemination of technology in E.U and the development of volunteering in urban and suburban green space with an emphasis in urban green parks in European cities. The objective of the program is the detailed research and the scientific documentation of the benefits derived from the development and the networking of volunteering initiatives for urban and suburban green space and urban parks.

Project leader: KEAN- Cell of alternative youth activities

Co-beneficiaries: Hellenic Ornithological Society- BirdLife Greece , UNIT OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES – Cyprus Centre for European and International Affairs, University of Nicosia, Cyprus; Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, Greece; Organization of Management & Administration of "Antonis Tritsis Environmental Awareness Park, Greece.

11. Training Skills of Volunteering - European School of Volunteering - ES-72


This initiative aims at the creation of a European School of Volunteering, a digital tool that allows volunteer from many EU countries to upgrade their skills in the field through basic, specific and technical training. It consists of a digital platform where volunteers and students can interact in two languages, Spanish and English. The overall goal of the project is to raise awareness of the European public on the value and the importance of volunteering, while offering a common training as a reference for Europeans to cooperate on the issue.

Project leader: Voluntarios por Madrid Foundation

Co-beneficiaries: Vilnius city Municipal Government administration, culture, sports and tourism departments, Lithuania, Riga City Council Education Culture, Sports and Tourism department, Latvia, Euro Net, Italy.

12. Project SEV (Strategic Employee Volunteering) - ES-108


Project SEV aims to create a culture of strategic employee volunteering in Spain. In this context, employee volunteering is defined as programs aligned to the strategies of companies which address social needs through qualitative sustainable programs. The project's objectives are threefold: Equipping organizations with knowledge and tools to implement employee volunteering, raising awareness on the importance of corporate volunteering and making employee volunteering a widespread practice amongst companies in Spain. The project published a guide to strategic employee volunteering as a starting point accompanied by a kick-off training for companies and NGOs. Additionally, three training sessions were organized in Barcelona, Valencia and Madrid to further equip NGOs and companies. The third phase of the project provided a platform for companies to participate in employee volunteering schemes through the organization of the first Spanish Week on Employee volunteering which supported over 3000 beneficiaries. The final phases of the project focus on the creation of two employee volunteering programs based on the successful ENGAGE key cities program.

Project leader: Forética

Co-beneficiaries: FUNDAR, Acción Contra el Hambre, Ministerio de Trabajo e Inmigración.

13. Anna mulle aikaa! / Give us time! - FI-65


The 'Give us time!' campaign is a national communication campaign. Its goal is to get adults to spend more time with young people aged 13 to 19 by volunteering in local organizations.

Project leader: Nuorten Akademia ry

Co-beneficiaries: Mannerheim League for Child Welfare Cultural and Sports Association of Finnish Vocational Education and Training, Finnish Youth Association , The Finnish Workers' Sports Federation TUL , Swedish Study Centre (De Ungas Akademi), City of Tampere, Youth Affairs, Vuorela Youth Center, Town of Siilinjärvi , Town of Sotkamo, Youth Affairs, City of Vaasa / Department of Recreational Services, Youth Section.

14. Conférence de consensus "Bénévolat et volontariat: la parole aux citoyens" - FR- 12


The goal of this project is to bring a new perspective through some reflections over what is at stake in the citizens' engagement in voluntary activities. The project is carried out through the organization of several conferences aimed at winding up the main ideas on the subject and lead to innovative approaches. The main issues are management of human resources and the role played by voluntary activities in the context of citizenship and social inclusion. The results of these conferences will be used as guidelines for public policies both in the European and national framework.

Project leader: Conférence Permanente des Coordinations Associatives/CPCA

Co-beneficiaries: Croix Rouge France, Ligue de l'enseignement, Scouts et Guides de France, Comité National Olympique et Sportif Français, Passerelles et Compétences, Réseau National des Maisons d'Associations, France Bénévolat, Mairie de Paris, Association de la fondation étudiante pour la ville, Allo maltraitance des personnes âgées et/ou handicapées, Armée du Salut, Association pour le droit à l'initiative économique, Associations des collectifs enfants parents professionnels, Association Henri Dunant, Association Paralysées de France, Chorba pour tous, Concordia, Cotravaux, Comité pour les relations nationales et internationales des associations de jeunesse et d'éducation populaire, Eclaireurs et Eclaireuses de France, Espace Bénévolat, Entente des générations pour l'emploi et l'entreprise, Emmaüs, Familles Rurales, Fondation du Bénévolat, Fondation des orphelins d'Auteuil, France Volontaire, itinéraire International, Jeunesses Musicales de France, Ligue contre le Cancer, Le droit de te connaitre, Les Blouses Roses, Ordre de Malte, Petit Frères des Pauvres, Rockcorps, Secours Catholique, Unicef, Unis-Cité, Animafac, Coordination des Fédérations des Associations de Culture et de Communication, Voiture and Co.

15. E.U.R.E.K.A.: European Universal Reference for Enriching Knowledge & Abilities - FR-75


The aim of the project is tomeasure the impact that the voluntary service has on social inclusion, employability or skills development of volunteersfrom youngsters to seniors. The seven partners of this project (from Poland, Slovakia, France, Italy, Spain and Sweden) carry out a survey and interview 360 people. The outcomes will be published to inform about the added-value and the impact of voluntary projects in order to increase the visibility and the recognition of voluntary activities.

Project leader: Association pour le développement des Initiatives Citoyennes et Européennes/ ADICE

Co-beneficiaries: The Municipality of Amal/Samverket, Sweden; KERIC, Slovakia; CEMEA del Mezzogiorno onlus, Italy; VE France; Europejskie Forum Mlodziezy (EFM), Poland; The Municipality of Puerto de Lumbreras, Portugal.

16. Find your way through the European Labyrinth for Volunteers - HU-19


The 'Find your way through the European Labyrinth for Volunteers' project seeks to raise public awareness of volunteering especially among senior citizens, youth and their groups and citizens in general by the application of innovative and interactive tools including a 100m2 labyrinth set up at different locations in Hungary. The involvement of international partners creates the grounds for comparison of voluntary actions in different countries with a focus on the European dimension. To emphasise the added value of volunteering the programme elements rely on the contribution of volunteers especially during local and national events where clear tasks can be defined for volunteers.

Project leader:
<>European House Association, Budapest, Hungary

Co-beneficiaries: Future of Europe Association, Kecskemét, Hungary; City of Kecskemét, Hungary; Educators' Center Association, Pécs, Hungary; European Citizen Action Service, Brussels, Belgium.

17. A Great Place to Volunteer - The Quality Standard for Volunteer-Involving Organisations - IE-33


In recognition of the key role best practice standards play in improving the quality of volunteering experience, we will develop a national quality standard for involving volunteers. The quality standard will be based on a vigorous, proportionate, applicable and accessible quality standard framework appropriate to the range and diversity of volunteer-involving organisations in Ireland and will be a model for EU countries without a standard to learn from and adopt or adapt accordingly. It will empower organisations by building their capacity to involve volunteers and will have a wide and long lasting effect on volunteering by creating a more enabling environment for volunteering.

Project leader: Volunteer Ireland

Co-beneficiaries: Business in the Community; Focus Ireland; the National Standards Authority of Ireland.

18. 'LA TECNOLOGIA DIGITALE PER IL VOLONTARIATO E L'INCLUSIONE SOCIALE' / Digital Technology for volunteering and social inclusion - IT-106


The aim of the project is to spread to all non profit organizations the possibility to access free technology. Many events are scheduled in a lot of Italian Cities, in partnership with Public institutions and Volunteer Service Centres. This project refers to non profit organizations, people who would like to volunteer, Public Administration and other subjects that work in social activities.

Project leader: Banco informatico tecnologico e biomedico/BITEB




The project is aimed at promoting the EYV 2011 encouraging the participation of (young but not exclusively) people to short-term volunteering. In order to reach this goal, three activities will be carried out: 1) the launch of a new Network, based on the website to enlarge the national network of short term volunteering promoters. 2) the possibility to send abroad young Italians for projects of international volunteering. 3) foreign volunteers will be hosted in five work camps in Italy.

Project leader: Cantiere Giovani – Associazione di Volontariato

Co-beneficiaries: Centro Studi Life long Learning – Università degli studi di Napoli L'Orientale, REGIONE CAMPANIA-Settore Politiche Giovanili, Associazione per la Mobilitazione Sociale, CAM – Centro di Animazione Missionaria, Centro Astalli Sud, Cooperativa Arcobaleno, Comunità sulla strada di Emmaus, Graffio coop. Soc.,La Tana degli Orchi.

20. Volunteers' World - LT-11


The project includes the following objectives: 1. Creation of an internet volunteering system bringing together the needs for volunteer services with the volunteers providing the respective services; 2. Training of volunteers to prepare them for effectively providing volunteer services; 3. Establishment of senior clubs in the three largest cities of Lithuania, involving the volunteers trained under this project; 4. Analysis and presentation of the results of the project to the public, media and interested institutions in Lithuania.

Project leader: Malto ordino pagalbos tarnyba/MOPT

Co-beneficiaries: Socialization and vocational training center, Klaipeda Parish Caritas, Kaunas hospital.

21. Raising Spirits through the Promotion and Development of Creative Volunteering in Healthcare - MT- 66


The goal of this project is to enhance the creation of an enabling environment for creative and artistic volunteering in the field of healthcare in Malta. The main idea is to bring together several national stakeholders that will share experiences and good practices to be carried out both in Member states and beyond. These initiatives will lead to the setting-up of volunteer-driven structures ("Pilot volunteer committee"), which will be in charge of attracting new volunteers in Malta's public hospital

Project leader: SOS Malta

Co-beneficiaries: Mater Dei Hospital, Malta Cancer Foundation, Voices Malta Foundation.



The project aims to raise awareness about the benefits of volunteering in general and about the valid contribution given by the voluntary sector towards society. It aims to encourage and support active participation by citizens in society, to encourage recognition by public authorities of the social role of volunteers in society and to encourage the establishment of structures that will enable and sustain volunteering in the long term and for it to be awarded a stronger role in decision making process on issues of national importance.

Project leader:

Co-beneficiaries: National Nature Trust (Malta); National Youth Council, Commission on Domestic Violence.



This project aims to increase in participation of young people (between 20-30 years) in volunteering in informal care in Amsterdam.

There is a strong need for more volunteers, especially in the field of informal care. The participation of young people is limited. This is of great concern for NGOs working on volunteering. Voluntary work can be attractive for young people, but new ways should be found to inform them about it. The project partners will start up campaigns especially by using social media and video. The communication by social media is new and the experiences will be shared with NGOs in Amsterdam, The Netherlands and the organisation in EU member states participating in the EYV.

Project leader: Vrijwilligersacademie Amsterdam 2011.

Co-beneficiaries: Vrijwilligersacademie Amsterdam; Gemeente Amsterdam, Dienst WZS; De Omslag; De Regenboog Groep

24. European year of volunteering in Poland - PL-88


European year of volunteering in Poland" is a 1 year project aiming at promotion of volunteering (on the local, regional and national scale), improvement of quality in volunteering management, exchange of good practices among institution and bodies on national and cross- national level and strengthening cooperation between NGOs and public sector in Lower Silesia.

Project leader: Fundacja Moje Stypendium/FMS

Co-beneficiaries: Stowarzyszenie "Nowa Rodzina", Semper Avanti, Samorzad Województwa Dolnoslaskiego, Telewizja Polska S.A. Oddzial Wroclaw.

25. Values and activities of volunteering and e-volunteering - PL-125


Project consists of two complimentary activities: ‘Key values of volunteering' campaign in Poland and European competition ‘Discover e-volunteering'. The project will address the need to raise awareness of the value and importance of the volunteering, promote the variety of voluntary activities and to encourage both non-profits and individuals to benefit from new types of volunteering (especially e-volunteering) in order to empower them, fight social exclusion and improve the quality of volunteering itself. The project includes: research on various forms and values of volunteering, collecting real stories from volunteers campaign promoting volunteering and its new types (e-volunteering), European competition 'Discover e-volunteering' promoting the best projects of cooperation between volunteers and non-profit via the Internet.

Project leader: Good Network Foundation

Co-beneficiaries: Academy for the Development of Philanthropy In Poland, Orange Foundation, Polish Teachers and Klanza Animators' Association, Center For Thought of John Paul II.

26. Reintegrar no Voluntariado - PT-10


The objective of this project is to improve the responsibility of the civil society in relation to a specific target group, the Prison Establishment of Izeda/Bragança (Portugal). The main activities are workshops of arts aimed at promoting voluntary activities and providing specific training in this field to students and teachers of two courses: the course Animation and Artistic Production of Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, and the music school Vamùsica.

Project leader: CVP – Bragança

Co-beneficiaries: EP de Izeda/Bragança, ESEG, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (IPB), Vamùsica.

27. Volunteer book - PT-105


Volunteerbook is a project of ENTRAJUDA, with the main objective of promoting and sharing the volunteer culture by creating a virtuous cycle of disclosure, participation and awareness supported on Facebook as a social network. With the same principle as a job site, Non-Profits create volunteering openings, characterizing them by asking for specific needs including expertise. Registered volunteers can then reply to those opportunities. In Volunteerbook, you can also find how enterprise companies are socially engaged and learn a bit more about successful projects being implemented in the non-profit sector.

Therefore, Volunteerbook acts as an information hub about volunteering, presenting and sharing the information in a way more accordingly to what we are used to, in social networks.

Project leader: ENTRAJUDA

Co-Beneficiaries: Federação Nacional de Associações Juvenis, Instituto Português da Juventude, Federação Nacional de Bancos Alimentares Contra a Fome.

28. Serve the city / Serve a cidade - PT-113


This project is directed at homeless people and socially marginalized groups, and it aims at creating an agreeable environment where these groups and the volunteers can meet establishing strong human relationships. Thanks to this setting, marginalized groups of Lisbon have the chance to enjoy the advantages of healthy long-term relationships, which include emotional, psychological, spiritual and practical support.

Project leader: Fundaçao Stela and Osvaldo Bomfim

Co-beneficiaries: CASA (Centro de Apoio aos Sem Abrigo), Grupo Desportivo da Pena, Junta de freguesia de S. José - Lisboa, Comunidade Vida e Paz.

29. "Volunteers on the Move" - RO-68


The "Volunteers on the move" project consists of realizing a NGO and public institution network, implementing a short movies contest and realizing a Framework Event in which to have different workshops, planting trees and other activities. In all of the stages of the project youngsters and not only them can get involved either by realizing short movies, voting for the movies online, becoming part of the project network, getting involved in the Framework Event.

Project leader: Ofensiva Tinerilor Association

Co-beneficiaries: Organizatia Studentilor din Arad, Organizatia Tinerilor cu Initiativa - Olt, Organizatia Tinerilor cu Initiativa filiala Arad, Asociatia Educatio, Centrul Zonal Ecologic Arad, Asociatia Dezvoltarea Resurselor Pentru Toti DREPT, Directia Judeteana pentru Sport si Tineret.

30. Volunteering – the expression of active citizenship - SI-27


The project was made with the intention to encourage cooperation between volunteer organizations in the Notranjska-Kras region (Slovenia) and to promote volunteering nationwide and outside of the country. The project includes 8 conferences dedicated to volunteer organizations, the production of 24 television shows on volunteering; establishment of an efficient network of volunteers the Notranjska-Kras region and the organization of the very first volunteer's fair. The project also involves the government with the intention of establishing a friendlier environment for volunteer organizations.

Project leader: ORON

Co-beneficiaries: Zveza kulturnih društev Loška dolina , Gasilska zveza Loška dolina, Športna zveza Loška dolina, Turisticno društvo Loška dolina, Obcina Loška dolina.

31. Employees for Community: Strenghtening Volunteering in Slovakia (ECOVOLIS) -SK-4


The overall objective of the project is to contribute to improving an enabling environment for volunteering in Slovakia by empowering civil society organizations, increasing recognition for employee volunteering and raising awareness about the volunteering in general. The project specifically is focused at developing new and innovative schemes and approaches related to volunteering focusing on cooperation between CSOs and companies, gathering data on employee volunteering and volunteering promotion and recognition tools.

The project is targeted at companies, CSOs, University students, general public, public authorities and media.

Expected results include:

  • Organization of a national employee volunteering event - "Our Town" - min. 70 companies and 4000 volunteers
  • Launching of innovative programs of skill-based employee volunteering 'Helping Heads" - min. 70 employee volunteers, and Pro bono services benefited by 10 CSOs
  • A survey on benefits of employee volunteering
  • Innovative public awareness and recognition schemes focusing at volunteering (Employee volunteering Award; Via Bona Times with best practices ; A volunteering promotion at Pohoda music festival; Forum on corporate philanthropy; Volunteering recognition statement; Media campaign).

Project leader: The PONTIS Foundation Co-beneficiaries: The University of Economics in Bratislava, Scouting Slovakia, City of Bratislava, City of Žilina

32. Green Volunteers Bristol 2011 - UK-18


Green Volunteers Bristol is promoting and facilitating environmental and sustainability volunteering in and around Bristol, UK. The project is helping to generate fresh new opportunities for volunteers by developing relationships and engaging with environmental organisations, big and small, and providing support and opportunities for volunteer management training. We are also helping to recruit volunteers by setting up an online volunteer brokerage site, running a series of activities and promotional events and delivering a ‘reverse graffiti' arts project and wide PR campaign to promote volunteering across the city.

Project leader: Bristol Natural History Consortium

Co-beneficiaries: Bristol City Council, Volunteer Bristol, Voscur

33. Broadcasting and its role in promoting volunteering - UK-77


This project will showcase volunteer promotion and recruitment through broadcasting. Partnering with the internationally renowned BBC and drawing on the expertise of major volunteering NGOs, it will attract key partners in other Member States to create a strong network and share ideas and experience. The project organised a Conference in September 2011 for public service broadcasters and volunteering organisations to share ideas about how to attract volunteers through broadcasting, how to promote volunteering and how to show success stories. We aim to hold the conference in the EYV 2011 Tour Venue to promote EYV 2011 in the UK. We seek to enable countries where there is little or no tradition of either social action broadcasting and/or volunteering to go away with good ideas that they might put into practice in their own countries. And learn from countries less experienced than the UK what some of the barriers to this type of work are but also what different initiatives have succeeded. We will disseminate creative video/audio from the conference to other volunteering forums, such as CSV's Volunteurope conference in October 2011 and via a dedicated website.

Project leader: CSV (Community Service Volunteers)

Co-beneficiaries: The Mentoring and Befriending Foundation and the BBC in the UK and

Humanitas from the Netherlands.

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