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EUROPA - Audiovisuelle- und Medienpolitik

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AVMSD- General Principles

General principles

Dot Technological neutrality

The AVMSD covers all services with audiovisual content irrespective of the technology used to deliver the content: The rules apply whether you watch news or other audiovisual content on TV, on the Internet or on your mobile phone. However taking into account the degree of choice and user control over services, the AVMSD makes a distinction between linear (television broadcasts) and non-linear (on-demand) services.

Platform neutrality ensures a level playing field for all audiovisual media service providers.

Go toRead more about the AVMSD's scope.

DotGraduated regulation

The distinction between linear and on-demand services is the basis for a graduated regulatory approach: In a two-tier system of rules the Directive acknowledges a set of core societal values applicable to all audiovisual media services, but provides lighter regulation to on-demand services where the users have a more active, "lean-forward" approach and decide on the content and the time of viewing.

All audiovisual media services have to respect the basic tier of obligations in the following areas:

- identification of media service providers,

- prohibition of incitement to hatred,

- accessibility for people with disabilities,

- qualitative requirements for commercial communications,

- sponsoring, and

- product placement.

Stricter rules in the areas of advertising and protection of minors are foreseen for television broadcasts due to their impact on society.


Read more about:

Go toScope

Go toFreedom of reception and transmission

Go toStricter rules

Go toIdentification of media service providers

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