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AVMSD Consultation process - Focus Groups

Focus Groups

In the 2003 Communication on the future of European audiovisual regulatory policy the Commission announced Focus Groups to be organised with experts on the following issues:

·      regulation of audiovisual content (FG1)
·      the level of detail in the regulation of advertising (FG2)
·      the right to information and right to short reports (FG3)

The Commission invited Member States and interested parties to make proposals for potential members of the focus groups. The meetings took place at the end of 2004 beginning of 2005. Since these discussions should remain informal no minutes will be established.

A fourth Expert Group on cultural diversity met on 26 May 2005 (EG).

Members of the Focus Groups (FG) / Expert Group (EG)

pdf logo List of the Members of the FG /EG


Focus group 1

Working Paper pdf logo German English French
Agenda October 2004 pdf logo German English French
Agenda November 2004 pdf logo German English French

Focus group 2

Working Paper pdf logo German English French
Agenda October 2004 pdf logo German English French
Agenda November 2004 pdf logo German English French

Focus group 3

Working Paper pdf logo German English French
Agenda November 2004 pdf logo German English French

Expert group on cultural diversity

Discussion Paper pdf logo German English French
Agenda May 2005 pdf logo German English French


The Issue Papers for the preparation of the Liverpool conference summarize the results of the work in the Focus Groups


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