Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 15/04/2013

Commission maps local authorities striving to include their Roma populations

The European Commission has prepared an interactive map of regions, cities and municipalities that are committed to integrate their Roma population and that have joined initiatives to support them to reach this goal.

© 2013 GeoBasis-DE/BKG, Google

Social inclusion of Roma is a joint responsibility of EU institutions and Member States, but involving local authorities is crucial to put in place concrete measures to change the life of Roma communities.

Several initiatives are supporting local authorities to plan and implement strategies for Roma inclusion and apply for national or EU funding by providing them with expertise and opportunities to learn from each other and share experiences:

  • ROMACT is a joint programme of the European Commission and the Council of Europe aims to strengthen the capacity of local and regional authorities to develop and implement plans and projects for Roma inclusion. It is implemented in 5 countries.
  • ROMED is a joint programme of the European Commission and the Council of Europe to improve the interaction of local public institutions and authorities with Roma communities and thereby ensure the access of Roma to their rights. It is implemented in 22 countries.
  • The European Alliance of Cities and Regions for Roma Inclusion of the Council of Europe supports local and regional authorities in exchanging experiences and practices, organises thematic workshops and training or study visits and shares information on policies and sources of funding.
  • Mayors Making the Most of EU Funds for Roma Inclusion Network (MERI) is a programme of the Open Society Foundations bringing together municipalities from Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Albania, FYROM, Montenegro and Serbia to exchange good practice, establish services for Roma and support the use of EU funds.
  • EUROCITIES Roma inclusion task force promotes awareness raising on EU mobility and Roma inclusion, exchanges of good practice and access to funding for local policies on Roma inclusion. MERI and EUROCITIES also support an East-West cooperation programme on Roma inclusion.
  • Urbact Roma-Net project is a partnership of nine European cities to inform and support city partners to develop local action plans for the social inclusion of young Roma and their transition into active adult citizens.
  • Best Practices for Roma Integration (BPRI) is a regional project for the Western Balkans. It facilitates the exchange of good practices.

Disclaimer: the interactive map was created on a third party website (Google Maps) for information purposes only. Google's privacy policy, rather than this website's privacy policy, applies to the map.

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