Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

EAfA membership and pledges

The European Alliance for Apprenticeships is a multi-stakeholder initiative steered by the European Commission. The originator of the pledge is solely responsible for implementing the actions outlined in the pledge.

Stichting Techniekpromotie stands for real assignments preparing every student for the future

Organisation name:Stichting Techniekpromotie
Type of organisation: Training provider
Organisation operations:Other
Start date:01/01/2020
Contact person(s):Sandra van Hoeckel

Description of the Organisation:
Stichting Techniekpromotie is a Dutch foundation that works together with the educational institutes in the Netherlands to promote science and technology. It provides materials for primary and secondary schools with practical assignmentsso students can learn to work with real problems and solve them with innovative solutions. This allows students to utilise their theoretical knowledge and apply it in practical situations. In the Netherlands, there is a serious shortage of technically educated employees. Moreover, there is still a stigma associated with vocational education and training. The foundation aims to help children and young people to get acquainted with science and technology through programmes such as FIRST LEGO League (focused on building robots and programming them) or Eureka! Cup (a national competition showing applications of technology and natural sciences in relation to a socially relevant topic).

Join the Alliance!
Do you feel inspired to join the Alliance? Complete the pledge application form and return it to empl-eafa@ec.europa.eu.

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