Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Spain - Other family allowances

This chapter explains what support you can receive for your family in certain circumstances.

Below we will tell you about:

  • Benefits for dependent children or foster children (prestaciones por hijo o menor acogido a cargo)
  • Benefits for large or one-parent or parents with a disability (prestaciones por nacimiento o adopción en caso de familias numerosas, monoparentales o padres o madres con discapacidad)
  • Benefits for multiple birth or adoption (prestación por parto o adopción múltiples)
  • Periods considered as insured (periodos considerados como cotizados)

When can you apply for these?

If your family experiences financial difficulties because of your children's birth or adoption, various benefits are available:

What requirements must you meet?

These family benefits are non-contributory, in other words, they do not require you to pay social security contributions in order to apply for them, but they do require you to be resident in Spain.

Benefits for a dependent child or foster child: you can apply for this allowance if you are a biological, adoptive or foster parent, are legally resident in Spain and if:

  • You have a dependent child or foster child younger than 18 years old and with a degree of disability of at least 33%, or aged over 18 years with a degree of disability of 65% or more.
  • You do not have a right to similar benefits in other social protection schemes.

Benefits for large, one-parent families and parents with a disability: in order to receive this allowance, which is paid as a single payment, the parents or adoptive parents should be resident in Spain, have a yearly income under certain limits and be unable to claim similar benefits under another public social protection scheme.

Benefits for multiple births or adoptions: you can apply for this benefit, paid as a single payment, if you are resident in Spain and are unable to claim similar benefits under another public social protection scheme. If one of your children has a minimum disability of 33%, you receive an allowance equivalent to having an additional child (e.g. if you have 3 children and one is disabled, then you receive allowances for 4 children).

What are you entitled to and how can you apply for it?

Benefits for a dependent child or foster child

Children or foster children under 18 years of age with a minimum disability of 33%

€1,000 a year per child.

There are no income limits for people with disabilities.

Dependent children (over 18) with a minimum disability of 65%

€5,439.60 a year per dependent.

There are no income limits.

Dependent children (over 18) with a minimum disability of 75%

€8,158.80 a year per dependent.

There are no income limits.

Benefit for large or one-parent families and parents with a disability

Amount of the allowance:

€1,000 paid as a single payment.

Benefits for multiple births or adoption

The allowance consists of a single payment, with the amount varying depending on the number of children:

Number of children born

Amounts on 1 January 2023





4 or more


Periods considered as insured: If you ask for a period of leave to care for your children or foster children, you should be aware that the first three years will be considered as contributory for the purpose of retirement, permanent disability, death and survival, maternity and paternity benefits. If you need to take care of another family member up to the second degree who cannot look after themselves, the first year of leave will be considered as contributory.

The INSS is responsible for the award and management of family benefits. You can submit the required documents to their offices. In cases of disability, you should also attach certification of the disability, issued by the appropriate authorities in each Autonomous Community.

Jargon busters

  • Dependent child: a "dependent child or foster child" is one who lives with and depends financially on the person applying for benefits.
  • One-parent family: a one-parent family is one that is made up of a "single parent" who lives with a biological or adopted child and who is the sole support of the family.

Documents you will need

  • Identity of the applicant and of the other parent or adoptive parent
  • Certification of the child´s disability issued by the appropriate authorities in each Autonomous Community
  • Annual income statement in case benefits for large or one-parent families or mothers with a disability
  • Benefits for large or one-parent families or mothers with a disability: title of large family or accreditation of disability

Find out about your entitlements

These links will help you to find out about your entitlements in Spain. They are not European Commission links and do not represent the opinion of the Commission:

Publications and web pages of the European Commission:

Who can you contact?

Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social (INSS)
C/ Padre Damián, 4
28036 Madrid
Tel. +34 915688300 
Fax +34 915640484
Web page: http://www.seg-social.es

Social Security Information Centres

For any problem with your entitlement as a European citizen: EU welfare services.

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