Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Slovenia - Pensions

This chapter covers:

  • Old age pensions (starostna pokojnina)
  • early pensions (predčasna pokojnina)
  • partial pensions (delna pokojnina) and
  • annual grants (letni dodatek)

In what situation can I claim?

Every person reaching the defined age and fulfilling the required number of years from the pension qualifying period is entitled to an old age pension.

Persons entitled to a pension also have the right to a partial pension in the instance that they remain employed for at least a quarter of full coverage time.

Those entitled to an early pension are persons who have reached the defined age and who fulfil the required number of years from the pension qualifying period but who do not yet have the right to a pension.

Entitled persons also have the right to a lump-sum annual grant.

What conditions do I need to meet?


Women (2024)


Pension qualifying period

60 years

40 years


Minimum 15 years insurance period

Men (2024)


Pension qualifying period


40 years


Minimum 15 years insurance period

Reduction of the lowest pension age is possible in the case of:

  • care for each child born or adopted;
  • a period of compulsory military service;
  • employment between the ages of 15 and 18;
  • labour in workplaces harmful to health, where an increased pension qualifying period is valid;
  • extenuating circumstances (health).

Partial pensions

For a partial pension all persons fulfilling the conditions for receiving a pension or early retirement pension and remaining in employment for a minimum of 2 hours a day or 10 hours a week are entitled.

Early pensions


Pension qualifying period

Women (2024)

60 years

40 years

Men (2024)

60 years

40 years

Annual grant

Recipients of old-age, disability, survivors', family pensions as well as recipients of some other benefits from disability insurance are entitled to an annual grant (in different amounts, depending on the amount of the pension).

What am I entitled to and how can I claim?


The pension amount is assessed on the basis of pensionable earnings.

Pensionable earnings are calculated on the basis of the monthly average earnings from those which have been paid from the most suitable unbroken 24-year period of insurance from 1970 onwards, from which contributions for pension and disability insurance were paid. Earnings shall be calculated minus tax and contributions.

The lowest pensionable earnings amount to 76.5% of the average monthly wage in Slovenia in the previous calendar year, minus tax and contributions.

The highest pensionable earnings amount is four times the lowest pensionable earnings amount.

Further information concerning pensionable earning amounts and pensions can be found on the ZPIZ web site.

Partial pensions

Pension amount

Extent of employment


7 hours daily or 35 to 39 hours weekly


6 hours daily or from 30 to 34 hours weekly


5 hours daily or from 25 to 29 hours weekly


4 hours daily or from 20 to 24 hours weekly


3 hours daily or from 15 to 19 hours weekly


2 hours daily or from 10 to 14 hours weekly

Early pensions

An early retirement pension is assessed on the basis of pensionable earnings in the same manner and to the same extent as a pension, which shall be reduced for each month by 0.3% to fulfilment of conditions for a retirement pension (65 years for women and men).

The pension reduction may not amount to more than 5 years of deficit years, meaning 18%.

Pension reduction is permanent.

Annual grant (for 2024)

Pension amount

Annual grant amount

Up to 650 EUR

460 EUR

From 650,01 EUR to 780.00 EUR

320 EUR

From 780.01 EUR to  920.00 EUR

260 EUR

From 920.01 EUR to 1.110.00 EUR

210 EUR

Above 1110.01 EUR

150 EUR

The amount of the annual grant is assessed individually every year and as a rule is paid together with the pension for the month of June. The annual grant may be paid in several instalments or with a delay.

Jargon busters

ZPIZ - Pension and Disability Insurance Institute of Slovenia

Forms you may need to fill in

  • Request for a pension or early retirement pension;
  • Request for a family or a widow's pension for an insured person or pensioner;
  • Request for assessment of entitlement to a pension grant;
  • Request for assessment of entitlement to a partial pension;
  • Request for payment of part of a pension/early retirement pension (20%).

All required forms can be found on the ZPIZ web site.

Know your rights

The links below listing your rights are not European Commission pages and do not represent the view of the Commission:

European Commission publications and web pages:

Who do you need to contact?

Pension requests can be submitted at the local ZPIZ office.

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