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Annual Report 2016 on the List of Actions to Advance LGBTI Equality

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Tackling discrimination

date:  23/02/2017

The Commission publishes today its first report on the implementation of the List of Actions to advance LGBTI equality. On that occasion, the Director-General for Justice and Consumers, Tiina Astola will present the main achievements at the High Ministerial Level Conference on LGBTI Mainstreaming in Malta today.

The report highlights the actions undertaken by the Commission to promote equality of LGBTI people. Besides promoting equality at policy and legislative levels, the Commission has engaged in awareness-raising activities: its campaign We All Share The Same Dream focussed attention on what all people have in common regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

To ensure effective implementation of the List of Actions the Commission encourages more cooperation between EU countries, civil society, businesses and other stakeholders and has called on them to join in the fight against discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity.

The Commission is firmly dedicated and fully committed to achieving full social acceptance of LGBTI people. It will continue to champion the fundamental rights of those who are subject to discrimination and harassment on a daily basis.



Annual Report 2016 on the List...
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