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2017 Commission's assessment on the mid-term review of the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies up to 2020

The Commission reviews annually the implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategies and reports on the progress made to the European Parliament and the Council, as well as under the framework of the Europe 2020.

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date:  16/02/2017

The 2017 Commission's assessment will be devoted to the midterm review of the EU Framework for the National Roma integration strategies up to 2020 (key achievements, challenges and priorities at the European and national levels, for the period up to 2020 and beyond).

The Commission's assessment is based on the in house knowledge held by the respective DGs on relevant policy areas and funding, but also on the contribution received by various stakeholders, including the information shared by the Member States, civil society organisations, international organisation, academia, the EU Fundamental Rights Agency and others.

DG JUSTICE internally and in cooperation with the EU Fundamental Rights Agency developed a monitoring/reporting tool based on which, for the first time this year, the Member States will provide their contribution on measures taken in substantive policy areas (education, employment, healthcare, housing) but also on horizontal policy and structural measures (such as antidiscrimination, funding, monitoring, local action).

The deadline for Member States to send the Commission their contribution is set by end of March.

The other stakeholders, including EU umbrella pro Roma and Roma civil society organisations, international organisation and partners were invited to provide their contribution to the 2017 Commission's assessment through a questionnaire focusing on the midterm review of the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies.

They were informed about the process at the regular consultation meeting which took place on 31st of January (see the report).

The deadline for filling the questionnaire is set for 24th March 2017.

The adoption of the 2017 Commission's assessment report is planned for autumn this year.

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