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The European Consumer Consultative Group Opinion on clean energy

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Consumer policy

date:  04/07/2017

On 14 June 2017 the European Consumer Consultative Group (ECCG) adopted an Opinion that reflects their general assessment of the ‘Clean Energy for All Europeans’ package.

The ECCG took into account current problems faced by energy consumers in different EU countries, having assessed the overall impact that the new provisions could have on energy consumers.

The opinion gives an overview of the necessary tools that could help solve basic consumer problems, for example through designing consumer-friendly offers, contracts and bills, ensuring that consumers get a better deal through online comparison tools and making switching easier. It acknowledges the extra help required by energy-poor consumers. It calls for action to ensure consumers enjoy the benefits of energy efficiency, that the low carbon energy transition is affordable for consumers and that all consumers are given the option to be active. 


The European Consumer Consulta...
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