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ACTIVITIES :: ICT PSP :: Running Activities :: Portfolio

Portfolio of Projects per Theme

The ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) – one of the three specific programmes within the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP) – aims at stimulating innovation and competitiveness through the wider uptake and best use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) by citizens, governments and businesses and in particular SMEs. It has its policy roots in the i2010 strategy and supports the realisation of the Digital Agenda for Europe (DAE), the European Commission's overall strategy to maximising the social and economic potential of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for a flourishing digital economy by 2020. The programme approach is based on leveraging innovation in response to growing societal demands, and lowering the disparities in the use and the benefits of ICT across Europe. With an overall budget of about 730 M€ over seven years (2007-2013), the ICT PSP focuses on creating the conditions for business development and the uptake of ICT in areas of public interest, such as health, inclusion and public administration.
Below some examples of CIP funded projects with related information factsheets.


ICT for Societal Challenges brochure

>ICT for health, ageing well and inclusion

Please find links to project factsheets and project web sites below:

CALLIOPE A European Thematic Network for implementation of Interoperable eHealth solutions
CLEAR Clinical Leading Environment for the Assessment and Validation of Rehabilitation Protocols in Home Care
COMMONWELL Improved quality of life for older people
DREAMING Helping elderly to live independently and for longer at home, with safety and security
DTV 4 All Digital Television for All
epSOS Smart Open Services for European Patients
EHR-QTN Thematic Network on Quality Labelling And Certification of EHR Systems
HOME SWEET HOME Health monitoring and sOcial integration environMEnt for Supporting WidE ExTension of independent life at HOME
NEXES Supporting Healthier and Independent Living for Chronic Patients and the Elderly
REACH 112 Responding to all citizens needing help
RENEWING HEALTH Regions of Europe working together for health
SOCIABLE Motivating platform for elderly networking, mental reinforcement and social interaction
T-SENIORITY Expanding the Benefits of Information Society to Older People through Digital TV Channels

EU-funded deployment projects in the area of ICT for Ageing Well

>Innovative government and public services

Please find links to project factsheets and project web sites below:

ADD ME! Activating Drivers for Digital eMpowerment in Europe
CEMSDI Civil-servants Empowerment for Multi-media Service Delivery ICT-enabled
DIEGO Highly scalable Deployment model” of Inclusive E-Government
e-CODEX e-CODEX: Justice Communication via Online Data Exchange
ECRN European Civil Register Network
EGOS e-Guidance and e-Government Services
EGOV4U eGovernment for You
iSAC6+ A Unique European Citizens' Attention Service
PEPPOL One step further towards cross-border public eProcurement in Europe
RURAL-INCLUSION e-Government Lowering Administrative Burdens for Rural Businesses
SPOCS Next generation Points of Single Contact
STORK Secure Identity Across Borders Linked eID - easier access to public services across the EU

Digital Agenda: pilot projects show the way in easy access to online public services across the EU

>ICT for a low carbon economy and smart mobility

Please find links to project factsheets and project web sites below:

3-E Houses Energy Efficient e-Houses
BEST Energy Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy
e3soho E3SoHo- ICT services for Energy Efficiency in European Social Housing
eSESH Saving Energy in Social Housing with ICT
FREILOT Urban Freight Energy Efficiency Pilot
HosPilot Intelligent Energy Efficiency Control in Hospitals
iCARS NETWORK Intelligent Cars Thematic Network
IN-TIME Intelligent and Efficient Travel Management for European Cities
Video - Thinking Highways
LITES Led Based Intelligent Street Lighting for Energy Saving
SAVE ENERGY Five Pilot Projects for Improving Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings

CIP ICT_PSP Projects on ICT for Energy Efficiency

ICT for Energy Efficiency Pilots Map

>Open innovation for internet enabled services

Please find links to project factsheets and project web sites below:

APOLLON Advanced pilots of Living Labs operating in networks
EPIC EU Platform for Intelligent Cities
LIFE 2.0 Geographical Positioning Services to Support Independent Living and Social Interaction of Elderly People
Open Cities Open Innovation for Future Internet Services in Smart Cities
PEOPLE Pilot Smart Urban Ecosystems Leveraging Open Innovation for Promoting and Enabling E-services
PERIPHERIA Networked Smart Peripheral Cities for Sustainable Lifestyles
SMARTiP Smart Metropolitan Areas Realised Through Innovation & People

>Digital Content

Please click here for the Digital Content web site.





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