  Projects funded in 1998 : description and outcomesslide

Projects funded in 1998 : description and outcomes
Area of acticity
Establishment of Community health indicators
Title of project

ECAS 2 - A comparative analysis of alcohol consumption and its public health effects
in the EU-states: a discussion of indicators on consumption and alcohol related harms (Phase 2)


Adress: Olof Palmes Gata 17
Telephone: +46.8.5661.35.00
Fax: +46.8.5661.35.05
Web site http://www.fhi.se/default____1417.aspx
E-mail info@fhi.se
Contact person: Anna Månsdotter
(Research officer)
Tel: +46.8.566.136.14
Countries participating


Total cost : 352.191,60 Euros
Grant : 176.095,80 Euros

Start of project: 01/12/98 Duration of project (months): 34
Statement of the project's aims

This project is supplementary to the project “ECAS 1 - A Comparative Analysis of Alcohol Policy and its Effects in the EU-States” (below referred to as the ECAS-project).

The ECAS-project collects and analyses various data on alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harm. The general aim of the present project is to assess the quality and reliability of these data. In more specific terms the aims of the project can be described as follows :
I. To estimate the prevalence of unrecorded alcohol consumption in a cross-sectional perspective
II. To estimate trends in unrecorded alcohol consumption in the Member States
III. To assess the reliability and validity of alcohol-related harm indicators
As a result of our project it will be possible to :
IV. Describe an optimal set of indicators, and also
V. To investigate what options there are in different EU-States to implement this optimal set of indicators. In this application we will concentrate on point (I)-(III). In the year 2000 we will apply for funds to accomplish points (IV) and (V).
Outcomes of the project

Executive summary of the final reportpdf.gif (423 bytes)(8KB)

Final report, September 2002pdf.gif (423 bytes)(354KB)

Report of the Swedish Presidency:

Executive summarypdf.gif (423 bytes)(70KB)

Report: A background report on relevant data on alcohol consumption, alcohol-related problems and relevant policies, June 2001pdf.gif (423 bytes)(393KB)

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Area of acticity
Development of a Community-wide network for sharing health data
Title of project

Health surveys in the European Union: European Health Interview & Health Examination Surveys
(HIS and HIS/HES) evaluations and models (Phase 1)


Adress: 1, Kloosterweg
P.O. Box 4481
Telephone: +31.(0).45.570.60.00
Fax: +31.(0).45 572.74.40
Web site: http://www.cbs.nl
Contact person: Jaap VAN DEN BERG
Tel: +31.(0).45.570.74.19
Fax: +31.(0).45.570.62.74
E-mail: JBRG@cbs.nl
Countries participating


Total cost : 342.726,00 Euros
Grant : 239.908,00 Euros

Start of project: 01/12/98 Duration of project (months): 24
Statement of the project's aims

The project aims to support Health Monitoring by means of production of a computerised up to date overview of methods and content of existing and planned Health Interview Surveys (HIS), Health Examination Surveys (HES), combinations of HIS/HES, and other population surveys with a significant health component in the MS and EFTA/EEA countries to provide insight into the coverage of areas that are relevant for Health Monitoring by national and international surveys.

The project will comprise two phases : the aims of the current phase 1 are to produce the data base mentioned above, to review the literature, to collect information and to review European experiences on HIS, HIS/HES and HES, and to create an European network for development and testing of proposed HIS/HES and HES methodologies.

The final overall project aim is to develop comprehensive and comparable health measurement for health surveys in the EU and the Member States by developing models for surveys which combine the HIS and the HES. It is intended that models of varying intensity will be developed for the different circumstances in the Member States.
Outcomes of the project

Executive summary of the final report pdf.gif(94 KB)

Final report, February 2001
pdf.gif(179 KB)

Annexes of the final report:

Annex 1: Health surveys in the European Union: HIS and HIS/HES evaluations and models, 27-28 October 1999, Brussels (Belgium). Draft minutes of the second Core Group meeting)pdf.gif(238 KB)
Annex 2: Health surveys in the European Union: HIS and HIS/HES evaluations and models, 14-15th June 2000, Helsinki (Finland). Minutes of the plenary meeting
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Health Interview Surveys (HIS) in the European Union:

Overview of methods and contentspdf.gif(337 KB)

Annexes of the Overview:

Annex 1: Overview of Core Group memberspdf.gif(70 KB)
Annex 2: Request letter accompanying the questionnaire concerning the methodological aspect of health interview surveys
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Annex 3: Questionnaire concerning the methodological aspect of health interview surveys
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Annex 4: Response on inventory of health interview surveys
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Annex 5: Methodological aspects of 41 national health interview surveys and 2 international surveys
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Annex 6: The list of health topics
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Annex 7: Overview of HIS questionnaires that were translated, scanned and included in the database
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Annex 8: The HIS/HES database: HIS questions
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Annex 9: The HIS/HES database: HIS survey methodology
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Annex 10: The HIS/HES database: search methods
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Annex 11: Number of health related topics per survey
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Annex 12: Questions on smoking prevalence in national health interview surveys
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Annex 13: Questions on heavy drinking in national health interview surveys
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Health Examination Surveys (HES)

Review of literature and inventory of surveys in the EU/EFTA Member Statespdf.gif(1.6 MB)

Online database

European Health Interview & Health Examination Surveys Database :
this database was developped in this project and was enhanced in the "Health surveys in the European Union : European Health Interview & Health Examination Surveys (HIS and HIS/HES) evaluations and models (Phase 2)"

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Area of acticity
Establishment of Community health indicators

Title of project

Setting up a coherent set of health indicators for most of the health aspects (Phase 1) /
Proposition d'un ensemble cohérent d'indicateurs de santé couvrant la plupart des dimensions de la santé (phase 1)


Adress: Université de Montpellier Val d'Aurelle
Telephone: +33
Fax: +33
Contact person: Jean-Marie ROBINE
Countries participating


Total cost : 417.600,00 Euros
Grant : 289.600,00 Euros

Start of project: 01/12/98 Duration of project (months): 15
Statement of the project's aims

Le projet a pour but la construction d'un ensemble cohérent d'indicateurs de santé répondant aux principaux objectifs du programme de surveillance de la santé : (i) appréciation des niveaux de santé des populations de la Communauté et (ii) détermination des poids respectifs des causes de morbidité, afin de faciliter la définition des priorités et des objectifs en matière de santé publique. Notre projet retiendra un petit nombre d'espérances de santé couvrant les principales dimensions de la santé et proposera des indicateurs comparables entre les pays de l'Union.

Il s'appuie sur :

1. la décision adoptant le programme de surveillance de la santé, accompagnée en annexe d'une liste d'indicateurs qui repose sur l'inventaire fait en 1994 par le "Working Party on Community health data and indicators" (Ministry of Health of Denmark), et qui commence par l'espérance de vie et les espérances de santé. Il s'agit donc de passer maintenant à la phase d'opérationnalisation de ces indicateurs.

2. les travaux réalisés dans le cadre de l'action concertée sur les espérances de santé, Euro-REVES (BIOMED 1), qui a rassemblé les enquêtes et les rapports "Santé" des pays de l'Union dans la Base de Données Européennes sur la Santé de Montpellier. L'analyse des documents a porté sur l'incapacité, la santé perçue, et l'utilisation des espérances de santé. En particulier, Euro-REVES a évalué l'application des recommandations de l'OCDE pour mesurer l'incapacité (1981), et de l'OMS-Europe pour harmoniser les enquêtes "Santé" (1988), ainsi que l'utilisation des concepts de la Classification Internationale des Handicaps (ICIDH, 1980) et des modèles d'incapacité portant sur les activités de la vie quotidienne (ADL). Ce travail a montré qu'au-delà des indicateurs de mortalité, il y a actuellement très peu d'indicateurs strictement comparables entre les pays de l'Union. Par contre on constate de nombreuses proximités et de convergences nouvelles.

3. l'expérience de nos collègues canadiens avec qui nous sommes en contact et qui ont beaucoup travaillé sur les systèmes d'information, les ensembles d'indicateurs de santé et les guides d'utilisation.
Outcomes of the project

Executive summary of the final report pdf.gif (423 bytes)(44KB)

Final report, June 2000pdf.gif (423 bytes)(1144KB)

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Area of acticity
Establishment of Community health indicators

Title of project

Comparability and quality improvement in European causes in death statistics


Adress: B.P. 34
Telephone: +33 1 34 80 24 30
Fax: +33 1 34 80 24 29
Contact person: Eric JOUGLA
Countries participating


Total cost : 263.643,00 Euros
Grant : 187.000,00 Euros

Start of project: 15/10/98 Duration of project (months): 30
Statement of the project's aims

Cause-of-death statistics are widely used for comparing the status of health in EC countries. Before interpreting these data it is essential to assess the biases affecting their comparability. One of the main problem outlined by experts (e.g. Eurostat working group, international papers), is the differences in the certification process (unknow and ill-defined causes, certifiers training and querying practices…). For instance, the proportion of ill-defined causes, for young people, ranges from less than 3% in Greece, Spain, Ireland to almost 15% in Portugal, Belgium, France. These differences affect inter-country comparability and trend analysis for all causes of death but especially for external causes (e.g. suicide, accidental deaths, drug related deaths).

The general objective of the project, gathering representants from all MS, is to access and improve the quality and comparability of the cause-of-death certification process among EC. The specific aims are :

- to access the specific certification practices and main issues in each EC country (nature of information entered, degree of consistency of the causes of death entered, autopsy practices…) and to define procedures to improve quality and comparability with a special involvement on problems such as ill-defined causes (legal problem, influence of forensie institutes…), querying practices, certifiers training programs, causes of death with specific comparability problems (e.g. violent deaths),
- to make a precise international review on causes of death comparability and quality studies (1980-1998) and to produce a dictionary containing assessment of quality for the specific causes of death defined as priorities by the European Commission,
- to propose common recommendations and guidelines on cause-of-death certifiction to EC.
Outcomes of the project

Executive summary of the final report pdf.gif (423 bytes)(20KB)

Final report, July 2001pdf.gif (423 bytes)(3605KB)

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Area of acticity
Development of a Community-wide network for sharing health data
Title of project

Health monitoring in sentinel practice networks (Phase 1)


Adress: PO Box 1568
Telephone: +
Fax: +
Contact persons: Douglas FLEMING
(Project coordinator)
Birmingham Research Unit of the Royal College of General Practitioners
Lordswood Road
Birmingham B17 9 DB
Tel: +44.121.426.11.25
Fax: +
E-mail: dfleming@rcgpbhamresunit.nhs.uk

(Project leader)
Tel: +

Countries participating


Total cost : 207.658,00 Euros
Grant : 145.360,00 Euros

Start of project: 15/12/98 Duration of project (months): 24
Statement of the project's aims

a. To identify, make an inventory of and describe the organisation and function of nationally recognised primary care networks in European countries active in monitoring disease specific morbidity.

b. To establish a centre of reference to which existing and new networks can look for advice and support in developing networks for monitoring morbidity in primary care.

c. To seek consensus on the criteria by which the incidence and prevalence of diabetes mellitus [as an example chronic disease] and the incidence of varicella/herpes zoster [as an example acute disease] can be described in a standardised way.

d. To achieve on the long term standardisation in methods of data collection analysis and presentation of morbidity data in primary care, permitting comparability between States.

Outcomes of the project

Executive summary of the final report pdf.gif (423 bytes)(13KB)

Final report, March 2001pdf.gif (423 bytes)(133KB)


A free abstract of this publication, is available at the editor's web site.
If you need more information on this publication please contact the author(s).

Health monitoring in sentinel practice networks: the contribution of primary care,
European Journal of Public Health, Volume 13, Supplement 1 ("The European Health Monitoring Programme"), September 2003

The prevalence of known diabetes in eight European countries,
European Journal of Public Health, Volume 14, Issue 1, March 2004

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Area of acticity
Analyses and reporting
Title of project

Monitoring socio-economic differences in health indicators in the European Union


Adress: P.O. Box 1738
Telephone: +31/10.4087714
Fax: +31/10.4366831
Contact person: J. P. MACKENBACH
Countries participating


Total cost : 473.690,00 Euros
Grant : 283.690,00 Euros

Start of project: 01/12/98 Duration of project (months): 18
Statement of the project's aims

The general aim of this project is to contribute to the development of systems that are able to monitor socio-economic differences in health in the Community at large.

Its specific objective is to develop a practical guide for users of present and future monitoring systems. This guide helps users to select and apply the analytical methods that in their situation are most appropriate to (1) measure the association between socio-economic indicators and health indicators, (2) describe time trends in this association, and (3) explain these trends and evaluate the effects of specific policies, programmes and actions.

The guide will be practical, flexible and experience-based. Practical : descriptions of methods will be accompanied by details on their calculation, illustrations of their application, and guidelines for their use and interpretation. Flexible : guidelines will be given that permit users to take into account their specific data source (e.g. health surveys), specific health indicators (e.g. health care use) and specific monitoring purpose (e.g. evaluating the effects of anti-smoking policies). Experience-based : the guide will draw upon experiences from all parts of the Community. If there is little experience with the application of a potentially relevant method, this method will be tested by applying it to existing data from different Member States.

This guide will be developed by the EU Working Group on Socio-economic Inequalities in Health. This group includes leading experts from all Member States where experience has been obtained with monitoring inequalities in health.
Outcomes of the project

Executive summary of the final report pdf.gif (423 bytes)(15KB)

Final report, February 2001pdf.gif (423 bytes)(1001KB)


Executive summary of the publicationpdf.gif (423 bytes)(7KB)

Health inequalities in Europe and the situation of disadvantaged groups, 2003pdf.gif (423 bytes)(1.6 MB)

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Area of acticity
Establishment of Community health indicators
Development of a Community-wide network for sharing health data
Title of project

EUCOMP 1 - Towards comparable health care data in the European Union (Phase 1)


Name: NEHB (North Eastern Health Board)
Adress: Railway street,
IR - Navan, Co. Meath
Telephone: +353 (46) .90.403.41
Fax: +353 (46) .90.414.59
Contact person: Rosaleen CORCORAN
Department of Public Health


Countries participating


Total cost : 279.289,00 Euros
Grant : 197.329,00 Euros

Start of project: 01/12/98 Duration of project (months): 18
Statement of the project's aims

The aim of the project is to set up a European system of standardised descriptions and comparisons of health care systems to create the basis of common European Union health care statistics as the fundamental foundation for routine data collection and comparative analysis. A functional breakdown of health care delivery systems in Member States (MS) will be produced, (by reference to international health care clarifications) detailing health care functions performed. This will enable a European Union wide comparative picture to be produced at an appropriate level derived directly from MS country profiles. The feasibility of the system will be tested by applying it to existing national data sets relating to health care delivery in selected areas in MS. The project also aims to contribute to the development of comparable European Union health care indicators to assist MS in health care policy making by sharing the functional descriptions of MS health care systems and enabling the sharing of well defined comparable data by MS starting in selected areas.
Outcomes of the project

Executive summary of the final report
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Final report, August 2000:

Part 1 - 3: Towards Comparable Health Care Data in the European Union (Part 1), Functional breakdown of health care systems (Part 2), Annexes (Part 3) pdf.gif (423 bytes)(1,1 MB)
Part 4: Glossariespdf.gif (423 bytes)(1,2 MB)
Part 5: Country profiles in tabular format, volume A
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Part 5: Country profiles in tabular format, volume B
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Area of acticity
Establishment of Community health indicators
Title of project

ECHI 1 - Integrated approach to establishing Community Health Indicators (Phase 1)


Adress: P.O. Box 1
3720 BA Bilthoven
A. van Leeuwenhoeklaan 9
NL - Bilthoven
Telephone: +
Contact person: Pieter KRAMERS
(Deputy Head)
Department for Public Health Forecasting
Tel: +
Fax: +
Countries participating


Total cost : 123.128,00 Euros
Grant : 87.500,00 Euros

Start of project: 01/11/98 Duration of project (months): 24
Statement of the project's aims

Pillar A of the Health Monitoring Programme envisages the establishment of aset of Community Health Indicators, for the monitoring of Community Programmes... and other Community policies...and for providing Member States with common measurements for making comparisons...'. These indicators should cover a range of areas as set out in Annex II to the HMP.

These areas include different domains of primary data collection, with different methodological approaches and covered by different professional circles. Therefore, to realise the selection and definition of a coherent set of Community Indicators for the entire area, a coordinated and conceptual approach is needed. This is the aim of the present proposal. It is envisaged that to reach this aim we need to cover three steps : firstly to further define and delineate the categories of indicators, secondly to define a set of coherent criteria for the selection of indicators within the categories, and what we precisely mean by the word 'indicator', and thirdly to propose the selection of 'core' and 'background' indicators. A crucial point here is to accomplish consistency within and between the different categories of indicators. The result should be guiding to other projects rather dealing with enhancing the comparability of data and improving the strategy of actual data collection.
Outcomes of the project

Executive summary of the final report pdf.gif (423 bytes)(13KB)

Final report, February 2001pdf.gif (423 bytes)(907KB)


A free abstract of this publication, is available at the editor's web site.
If you need more information on this publication please contact the author(s).

Pieter G.N. Kramers: The ECHI project, European Journal of Public Health, Volume 13, Supplement 1 ("The European Union Health Monitoring Programme"), September 2003

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Area of acticity
Establishment of Community health indicators
Title of project

Establishment of the indicators for mental health monitoring in Europe


Adress: Siltasaarenkatu 18A
Telephone: +358-9-39671
Fax: +358-9-3967 2155
Contact person: Ville LEHTINEN
Countries participating


Total cost : 453.081,00 Euros
Grant : 317.157,00 Euros

Start of project: 15/12/98 Duration of project (months): 34,5
Statement of the project's aims

The aim is to collect information on existing mental health and well-being indicators and information systems, and to go agree on harmonised definitions for a set of European mental health indicators, maximally feasible and accepted for use by the Member States and the European Commission.

The project will look at different approaches, such as survey techniques, analyses of utilisation data, analysis of socio-economic indicators, and combinations of techniques. Different types of indicators will be included, such as demographic, social stress, health and social functioning indicators ; indicators reflecting the subjective experience, demand of services ; and indicators describing morbidity and mortality. The needs and preferences of citizens and consumers themselves will be included as a natural part into the monitoring system.

Several scientifically proved measures to evaluate mental health and ill-health exist. However, the definitions of the indicators disregarding diagnostics based on international classifications are often ambiguous. In addition, no efforts have been made to integrate these measures to a comprehensive, as well resource-and illness-oriented monitoring system. The indicators will be feasible even when integrated to other health monitoring systems. The monitoring system will provide enhanced possibilities for evaluation, comparison and planning of mental health policies and actions.
Outcomes of the project

Executive summary of the final report pdf.gif (423 bytes)(23KB)

Final report, February 2002pdf.gif (423 bytes)(121KB)

Annexes of the final report:

Annexe 1: Questionnaire pdf.gif (423 bytes)(60KB)
Annexe 2: Proposed set of mental health indicators; definitions, description and sources
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Annexe 3: Proposal: Guidelines for using the set of mental health indicators: survey data
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Annexe 4: List of priority of the indicators
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Annexe 5: Summary of data collected in the Member States: comparability, availability
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Annexe 6: Survey items
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Annexe 7: Data on existing indicators and results of the pilot survey
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Area of acticity
Analyses and reporting
Title of project

The state of health in the European Community in the year 2000


Adress: 45, Al D. Afonso Henriques
Telephone: +351-8430-646
Fax: +351-8430-655
Contact person: Paulo FERRINHO
Countries participating


Total cost : 1.045.398,00 Euros
Grant : 411.798,00 Euros

Start of project: 15/12/98 Duration of project (months): 31
Statement of the project's aims
Outcomes of the project

Publication : The health status of the European Union - narrowing the health gap, 2003 pdf.gif (423 bytes)(978KB)

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