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Public consultation on the evaluation of the financial conglomerate directive


The Commission is evaluating the performance of the financial conglomerate directive (“FICOD”) as implemented to date within the framework of the regulatory fitness and performance program (“REFIT”).

The purpose of the evaluation is to assess whether the current FICOD regulatory framework is proportionate and fit for purpose, and delivering as expected considering its objective of identifying and managing risks that are inherent to financial conglomerates to ensure financial stability.

The purpose of the consultation is to gather evidence on the performance of FICOD.

Target group

For the purpose of the consultation at least the following stakeholders will be targeted: financial conglomerates; financial institutions in general; the Single Supervisory Mechanism; the European Supervisory Authorities; national ministries; non-governmental organisations and others (e.g., think tanks and academics); and the other European institutions.

How to submit your response

Please note that in order to ensure a fair and transparent consultation process only responses received through the online questionnaire will be taken into account and included in the report summarising the responses.

Reference documents and other related consultations

Contact details

Responsible services:
DG Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union
Unit D2 – Banks and financial conglomerates
Postal address:
European Commission
SPA 2 04/064
1049 Brussels

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Results of consultation and next steps

We have received 36 responses and thank all those who have contributed to this consultation.

The summary of responses will be published below at a later stage.