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Consultation on bank accounts

Consultation on Bank accounts

Policy field
Retail financial services

Target group
All citizens and organisations, as well as market participants, national governments and national competent authorities re welcome to respond to th consultation.

Period of consultation
from 20.03.2012 to 12.06.2012 - closed.

Objective of the consultation
The purpose of this consultation was to gather stakeholders’ views on the need for action and on the possible measures to be taken in relation to the issues of transparency and comparability of bank account fees, bank account switching and access to a basic payment account.

View the consultation document
Consultation on Bank accountspdf(52 KB) Choose translations of the previous link 

Reference documents and other related consultations

Contact details
Responsible services: Internal Market and Services DG, Unit H3 – Retail financial services and consumer policy
Health and Consumers DG, Unit B4 – Financial services and redress