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Consultation on the review of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive MiFID

Consultation on the review of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID)

Policy field(s)
Internal market

Target group(s)
All citizens and organisations were welcome to contribute to this consultation. Contributions were particularly sought from market participants, investors, national governments, national competent authorities, academics, and other professional organisations in the field of financial markets.

Period of consultation
From 08/12/2010 to 02/02/2011 - closed.

Objective of the consultation

The purpose of this public consultation was to consult market participants, regulators and other stakeholders on possible changes to the regulatory framework established by MiFID in the field of investment services and activities as well as markets in financial instruments. Responses to this consultation will provide important guidance for preparing a formal Commission proposal.

View the consultation document

Background information

Contact details
Responsible service:DG Internal Market and Services / Unit G3
Postal address:Responses by e-mail only please

Number of responses received to this consultation
More than 4.200 responses were received

Results of consultation and next steps
Following the consultation, the Commission will present a proposal for amending MiFID in 2011.