DS Experimental statistics > Income, consumption, and wealth > Block 1 > EN > REVAMP

Why are these statistics needed?

Disparities in income and wealth are increasingly scrutinised, not only by the academic world but also by the public. The joint distribution of income, consumption, and wealth data provides links between the three economic dimensions. These data help to describe more thoroughly material well-being and households' economic vulnerability. They also help to explain the dynamics of wealth inequalities.

Why are they experimental?

These statistics are based on the assumption that the link between income, consumption, and wealth can be explained by the variables, such as age, household structure, etc., that all data sources have in common. While this assumption is well documented in academic literature, it can easily be challenged.

How are they produced?

The dataset underlying these statistics is based on information from different data sources.

For further details, please consult:

Access to the statistics


Data navigation tree

DS Experimental statistics > Income, consumption, and wealth > Block 3 > EN > REVAMP


To help Eurostat improve these experimental statistics, users and researchers are kindly invited to give us their feedback by email:

  • How useful are such indicators? Would you recommend the publication of other indicators, which ones?
  • Would you recommend having access also to data on uncertainty? If yes, would you like the statistics to come along with information on the range of plausible values for the indicator?

Here is a specific question for researchers who can be granted access to microdata for scientific purpose: Would you consider it useful to have access to scripts that performed the matching, provided that you have access to the necessary microdata?

Further reading