This site has been archived on 27/01/17

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Graph of the week: Euro area international trade in goods

International trade is an engine for global growth. EU Member States follow a common policy on international trade and investment, which enables them to speak with one voice in trade negotiations, maximising their impact.


The euro area’s trade in goods balance with the rest of the world has been improving since 2011. 


Source: Eurostat

Euro area trade surplus hits €16.8 bn in June

According to initial data released by Eurostat this month, the euro area’s trade surplus for June 2014 reached €16.8 billion, €1.1 billion higher than a year ago and up €1.4 billion from May 2014.

Germany posted the biggest surplus (€84 bn between Jan-May 2014) followed by the Netherlands (+€25.2 bn), Ireland and Italy (both +€14.1 bn). France registered the largest deficit (-€30.4 bn) followed by Spain (-€10.1 bn) and Greece (-€8.8 bn).

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