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16/10/2008 - 17/10/2008 : 5th DG ECFIN Annual Research Conference

"Boosting growth and productivity in an open Europe: The role of international flows of goods, services, capital and labour"

While foreign trade flows have always been seen as a major determinant of growth, recently globalisation and enhanced European integration - including EMU - have impacted on the size and direction of international flows, not only of goods but also of services, capital and labour.

This conference intended to add insights from state-ofthe-art research including a micro- and a macro-perspective and a broad geographical coverage. Sessions comprised invited (keynote) and contributed Paper.

ProgrammeEnglish textpdf(45 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  (pdf format, 50kb)

Presentations 16 October 2008English text Copyright rests with the authors

Presentations 17 October 2008English text Copyright rests with the authors

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