23 September 2010

European Commission > Directorate-General for Energy > Newsletter

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Commission sets up world's first project network for CO2 Capture and Storage

The European Commission completed end of last week the launch of the EU tool that supports early large-scale demonstration of CO2 capture and storage (CCS) technologies.

The CCS Project Network is the world's first network of CCS demonstration projects to foster knowledge sharing and raise public understanding of the role of CCS in cutting CO2 emissions. This will accelerate learning and ensure that the Commission can assist CCS to safely fulfil its potential and become a commercially viable technology.

Energy Commissioner Günther Oettinger said: "CCS is one of the key technologies that we need to develop today to make the necessary deep cuts in carbon dioxide emissions from the energy sector in the coming decades. It is a very positive step forward for the major project developers in Europe to work together and to inform scientists, industry and the public about their progress. Knowledge sharing will be essential for accelerating the deployment of clean energy technologies in Europe and worldwide."


[full text]


More details on the CCS Project Network: http://www.ccsnetwork.eu/



EU strengthens rules on security of gas supply for citizens

The European Commission welcomed this week's adoption of the Security of Gas Supply Regulation by the European Parliament. The new legislation will strengthen the coordination between Member States and ensure that effective action will be taken in advance to prevent and mitigate the consequences of gas supply disruptions.

Energy Commissioner Günther Oettinger said: "This regulation is a major step forward to ensure that every household has gas even in the event of gas supply disruptions."


[full text]


More: Commission webpage on security of gas supply




Energy Market: Flashback on the third legislative package


The January 2009 gas crisis showed that a more coordinated approach is needed at European level to provide stable and secure energy supply to European citizens. Most Member States already started a risk assessment and put in place infrastructure needed for security of gas supply. Through the European Energy Programme for Recovery cross border infrastructures have benefitted EU co-financing amounting to with €1.4 billion.

Security of supply is also at the centre of the 3rd package of measures,  targeting the energy market, and adopted by the Commission on 19 September 2007.

As the new Gas/Electricity Directive/Regulation will come into force in March 2011, this third legislative package will soon ensure that all European citizens take advantage of the numerous benefits provided by a truly competitive energy market.


A real market with secure supply

Isolated markets with only one source of gas have proven to be more vulnerable to supply disruptions than well integrated markets with gas supply from different sources. Competition between various suppliers naturally leads to diversification of sources and routes. The Third Legislative Package's provisions on Unbundling are expected to trigger new investments in networks necessary to enable diversification of routes and sources.



Both for electricity and gas, the Third Legislative Package creates a new structure of cooperation between network operators, the so called European Networks of Transmission System Operators (ENTSOs). The ENTSOs will, together with the new EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators, create detailed network access rules. These rules will apply all over the EU to ensure that gas and electricity can flow freely within the EU. This will prove to be essential in situations of crisis, as it will enable the market to bring electricity and gas to places where it is most needed.


Market transparency

The Third Legislative Package greatly enhances transparency in the gas market, in particular by providing equal access to information on the availability of gas. The Package will allow regulators and governments to analyse how markets are able to cope with supply disruptions.


Greater cooperation

Operators of the main gas and electricity transportation networks will have an obligation to cooperate to make the operation of the network less vulnerable to interruptions and emergency situations. ENTSOs are required to cooperate and coordinate the operation of their networks, through the exchange of operational information and the development of common safety and emergency standards and procedures.



The ENTSOs will have the task of making a 10-year investment plan every two years. This will bring the infrastructure planning to a new level – from the national approach followed until now to a true European approach – and will target the investments where they are needed from the European security of supply perspective



More: Commission webpage on Gas & Electricity


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