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Customs and transport : EU and U.S. engage to improve supply-chain security

Today, Algirdas Šemeta, EU Commissioner for Taxation, Customs, Anti-fraud and Audit, along with Commission Vice-President Siim Kallas, responsible for Transport and Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström, signed a joint statement on supply-chain security with U.S. Secretary for Homeland Security Janet Napolitano. This joint statement defines an ambitious agenda for enhanced bilateral cooperation between Commission services and their counterparts within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in charge of customs, aviation security, maritime security, research and development.  

Commissioner Šemeta said: "In a globalised world, no country can secure the supply chain in isolation.National supply chain security policies are ineffective and too costly unless they are supported by enhanced international cooperation. Through international cooperation we can ensure policy coherence, establish compatibility of national systems; and we can reduce costs."


In signing this statement, the EU and the U.S. respond to the global security challenges, notably in view of past attempted terrorist attacks. In particular, the statement calls for the implementation of mutual recognition of EU and U.S. trade partnership programmes and sharing risk information, as well as recognition wherever possible of each other's transport security controls. In practice, the recognition of each other's partnership programmes will help reducing red tape for EU and U.S. businesses trading across the two continents while ensuring high security standards.

Text of the joint statement:


Last update: 24/04/2013 |  Top