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Political agreement on EU's future budget 2014-2020

Eamon Gilmore, Enda Kenny, José Manuel Barroso, Janusz Lewandowski, Martin Schulz and Alain Lamassoure, Member of the EP (from right to left)

Following their meeting this morning at the Commission headquarters, President Barroso, President Schulz and Irish Taoiseach Kenny announced a political agreement on the European Union's future budget 2014-2020.

27 June 2013

President Barroso underlined that this was possible because all sides have gone the extra mile and said: "This is a good deal for Europe, for European citizens and for the European economy."

He pointed to the main elements of the agreement: more flexibility on both payments and commitments, frontloading of expenditure linked to youth employment, research, education and SMEs as well as the possibility to increase aid for the most deprived people. He also said that the deal confirms the agreement reached for the 2013 amending budget.

He also pointed out that the Compact for Growth discussed at today's European Council cannot exist without a fund for growth and concluded: "Our fund for growth is the European budget". He thanked the representatives of the other institutions for their true European spirit.

The deal will now be submitted to the European Parliament and the Council for formal endorsement.

Press statement by President Barroso

Elements of the political agreement on the European Union's future budget 2014-2020

Watch the video of the joint press point

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