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New Science and Technology Advisory Council holds first meeting


The Science and Technology Advisory Council will focus on science- and technology-related topics which span multiple policy areas and which have clear benefits to European society. It will see where science, research and innovation can offer a valuable contribution to future development in Europe.

After meeting the newly established Science and Technology Advisory Council on Wednesday, European Commission President Barroso stressed the importance of science and innovation as key drivers for European competitiveness, economic growth and job creation.

As an independent and informal group of outstanding science and technology experts, the new council will provide advice to President Barroso on how to create the proper environment for innovation by shaping a European society that embraces science, technology and engineering.

With the creation of this council, a step which follows the Commission’s proposal to significantly increase the budget for research and innovation in Europe, President Barroso has added another building block in the pursuit to deliver smart, sustainable and inclusive growth for Europe.

Read more on the creation of a Science and Technology Advisory Council

Information on Chief Scientific Adviser Ms Anne Glover