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5th EU – South Africa Summit

José Manuel Barroso, Herman van Rompuy, Jacob Zuma. (c) EU

South Africa is a key EU partner on the African continent and on the global stage. "Our cooperation from trade through climate change to development is a win-win situation. I believe we can both benefit from it and make the world benefit from it as well," said President Barroso.

"We just ended very substantive and open discussions on key issues for our partnership. In fact, 2012 sets the ground for continued ambition in our bilateral relations and let me briefly tell you why," opened President Barroso the press conference concluding the summit.

The President recalled that 2012 not only marks the 5th anniversary of the EU – South Africa Strategic Partnership, but also the 15th anniversary of the bilateral Science & Technology Agreement - a field which has become a flagship area of the partnership.

2012 is also the first year of full implementation of the bilateral Trade, Development and Cooperation Agreement (TDCA), which provided increased opportunities for two-way trade and, as a result, more job opportunities, while also facilitating investment. The EU is already South Africa's main trading partner (almost 30% of total exports). It is the primary foreign investor (77.5% of Foreign Direct Investment) and most important development partner (70% of all external assistance). "But we want to do more," said President Barroso, adding a specific example: "We have just launched a €250 million programme to support South Africa’s National Development Policy. This is another sign of our concrete partnership."

President Barroso also briefly mentioned two recent important international events – the G20 and Durban talks. He stressed the importance that all G20 members do their share to bring the world economy back to a strong, sustainable, and balanced growth path. He also praised South Africa's engagement on green growth, climate issues. "Today, in the Durban spirit, we reiterate our joint commitment for enhancing the alliance between the EU and South Africa to tackle Climate Change."

"It is true that the current international economic and financial climate is not the easiest for either part, but it is precisely because of that that we should seek the advantages and opportunities from working together to create jobs and stimulate growth," concluded President Barroso.

Read the President's statement

Video from the summit