This site has been archived on 2014/11/07

Appointment of David Wright as the Secretary-General of IOSCO

International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)

Statement by Commissioner Michel Barnier welcoming the appointment of David Wright as Secretary-General of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO).

"I very much welcome the appointment of David Wright as the Secretary General of IOSCO.

David is a respected former senior official of the European Commission, who until 2010 was in charge of the EU's policy for financial services regulation as Deputy Director General of the Directorate General for Internal Market and Services. During his time in that post, he piloted significant reforms to EU legislation, including on securities and on the EU's supervisory structure.

I personally got to know him well when I was appointed as Commissioner, and very much respect his expertise and vision. I have no doubt David is coming to his new job with a wealth of knowledge and experience that will serve him and the international community well.

IOSCO plays a key role at a global level in financial regulation and we look to it to continue to work towards convergence in world-wide securities regulation, against a background of firm G20 commitments in this area."
