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Welcome Croatia!

Welcome Croatia!, 19/06/2013

Milanka Opačić, Deputy Prime Minister of Croatia, Željko Jovanović, Minister for education, science and sport, and Jan Truszczyński, Director General for education, training, culture and youth at the European Commission, opened today the Youth on the Move tent at Ban Jelačić Square in Zagreb.

The event contributes to the celebration of Croatia's entry to the European Union due in less than two weeks time. During the next two days Croatian education, vocational training, youth and cultural projects, which were funded by the EU, will be presented at the tent. Visitors will get first hand information about working and learning in the EU from the Erasmus Student Network, the Croatian Employment Service, representatives of schools, universities, voluntary service organisations and many other bodies present.
Jan Truszczyński said:
"The EU is helping young people to study or train abroad –probably one of the most concrete ways in which we can support Croatian youth – but we are also supporting teachers, youth workers and young researchers. Time and again, employers praise the benefits, skills and experience young people get from studying or working in another country – skills like foreign languages and the ability to work in a multicultural environment are valued at the workplace."

Tamara Gal, Croatian Youth on the Move ambassador, said:
"I believe that every young person should be encouraged to have a richer multicultural exchange, something that is only possible when one is on the move."

Photos from event

Last update: 19/06/2013 | Top