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The Conference of Presidents of the Outermost Regions: a fruitful exchange to bring forward the new Commission’s Communication

  • 24 Nov 2021
The presidents of Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique, Mayotte, Réunion, Saint-Martin, the Azores, Madeira and the Canary Islands met from 17 to 20 November to discuss the Commission’s proposals for a stronger partnership with the EU’s most remote regions.
The Conference of Presidents of the Outermost Regions: a fruitful exchange to bring forward the new Commission’s Communication

From 17 to 20 November 2021, the Azores hosted on the island of São Miguel the annual Conference of Presidents of the Outermost Regions. The Conference is the main cooperation body between the Presidents of Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique, Mayotte, Réunion, Saint-Martin, the Azores, Madeira and the Canary Islands – nine EU regions from France, Portugal and Spain benefitting from a special status under Article 349 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.

Similarly to the Council of the European Union, the presidency of the Conference is a rotating one, yet longer with a mandate of at least one year. The Presidents meet in ordinary session, usually in autumn, in the region holding the presidency, bringing together all nine Outermost Regions’ Presidents, Ministerial level representatives of France, Spain and Portugal, the Commissioner responsible for Cohesion and Reforms, Members of the European Parliament from these regions as well as representatives from other EU institutions and advisory bodies.

This year’s meeting is more special than ever. For one thing, as it represents the first occasion for the Outermost Regions’ Presidents – out of which four newly elected – to finally meet in person after last year’s Mayotte Presidency had to be organised fully online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For another, as this year’s Conference of Presidents puts a particular focus on the new Commission Communication on the Outermost Regions as part of the Commission’s Work Programme to be adopted in the second quarter of 2022. Commissioner Ferreira stressed how important it is that the Outermost Regions’ make their voice heard on how the Commission can provide support and how the Outermost Regions can contribute to the EU’s ambitions for a green and digital transition. The Outermost Regions’ Presidents adopted conclusions in the form of a final declaration as well as ideas and suggestions for the new Commission Communication. The timing could not have been better – in this respect, the outcome of the Conference is of the utmost importance to provide input to the shaping of the future strategic approach with and for the outermost regions.

The Conference of Presidents is also always a good opportunity for an Outermost Region to showcase itself – its culture, its cuisine, as well as current investment projects funded by the European Union. The Azores showcased three projects funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to participants:

  • Algicel – a project to help a local biotech company develop an antioxidant food supplement based on a unique local Azorean microalgae;
  • TEAhealth – a project to develop new tea products and their further commercialisation, by the only European tea plantation;
  • Geothermal power plant Pico Vermelho – a project to install a new energy storage system. The island of São Miguel covers more than 40% of its energy consumption through local geothermal power plants to decrease its dependence on fossil fuels.


The site visits to the projects allow gaining practical insights into the implementation of projects, funding needs as well as benefits to the local economy and its population. It’s all  about meeting people on the spot and dialogue.



Monika Hencsey, Director for Budget, Communication and General Affairs got to meet students from the University of the Azores,  to highlight opportunities for students and young people offered by various EU initiatives and to listen to what students think the EU can do to help the Azores. Students raised in particular transport and mobility challenges in the Azores, lack of awareness of the work and functioning of the EU amongst the local population as well as the need for climate change mitigation measures. They also highlighted their own perception of the Azores’ location – not at the periphery of the EU, but right in the middle between Europe and North America. Yet, after three intense days of meetings, project visits and discussions in a pretty much breath taking scenery of the island of São Miguel, it’s time to say goodbye, continue working and look forward to the next Conference of Presidents of the Outermost Regions – in Martinique.