en English

New regional campaign - South-West Oltenia

  • 26 April 2023
New regional campaign - South-West Oltenia

These regional campaigns with an ultra-local flavour and with a smile are in partnership with the Regions.

In South-West Oltenia, from 26 April until 26 May 2023, these emblematic places and initiatives are promoted:

  • Jiblea Veche Secondary School and Kindergarten with extended program no. 1 in Călimănești (energy-efficiency measures)
  • Modernisation of streets and energy efficiency measures (public lightning) in Călimănești - Căciulata resort

We grow with oltenească energy!

The town of Călimănești is transforming, becoming a living example of a sustainable way of living. Better learning conditions, the energy saving in educational institutions and public lighting as well as the rehabilitation of the road network create better educational opportunities for the younger generation and improve the life of the entire community. The South-West Oltenia region is developing and evolves towards a sustainable future, with the support of the European Union.  

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