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Just Transition Platform Working Groups share outputs from their work

  • 24 July 2024
Just Transition Platform Working Groups share outputs from their work

From 2021 to 2023, the Just Transition Platform (JTP) managed four Working Groups for carbon-intensive regions. These groups, which brought together stakeholders to exchange and collaborate, have now shared the outputs of their work with the just transition community.

About the JTP Working Groups

Through principles of problem-solving, advocacy and stakeholder inclusion, the WGs provided a forum for strategic exchange on challenges shared by stakeholders involved in the transition process. They aimed to:

  • establish and strengthen networks of stakeholders;
  • develop a common vision of the just transition for all people involved in the process;
  • collect and share knowledge and good practices on challenges, impacts and strategies;
  • find practical solutions and tools to tackle local challenges and mitigate the adverse effects of the transition process; and
  • support the European Commission in identifying and developing inclusive approaches to the transition in carbon-intensive regions.

Three of the groups – for Steel, Cement and Chemicals – focused on a specific carbon-intensive sector, while a cross-cutting group focused on Horizontal Stakeholder Strategy.

Outputs focus on a wide range of topics

The groups began by developing four scoping papers – one for each Working Group – followed by a common implementation plan, which outlined the Actions to be developed in their main focus areas.

The group members worked on 17 Actions covering various topics, ranging from the selection of just transition projects, establishment of a transformation council, and measurement of stakeholder engagement in transition policies, to engagement with people living in vulnerable situations and recommendations on hydrogen economy and carbon capture and utilisation in Just Transition Fund (JTF) regions.

The outputs of these Actions have now been shared for use by stakeholders such as regional and local public authorities, citizen groups, academia and research institutions, social partners, the European Commission, and industries in JTF regions.

Below are just a few of the outputs that Working Group members developed:

  • The Just Transition Knowledge Exchange Guide, targeting all actors in just transition regions, provides a practical guide for setting up and implementing a knowledge exchange. It is available in all EU languages.
  • The Toolkit for communicating about the just transition with citizens and municipalities is designed for regional and local public authorities and citizen groups. It presents four short resources to support communicating with citizens about the just transition and raise awareness about the JTF.
  • Concept paper to advise public authorities on developing granular mapping of employment consequences is aimed at JTF Managing Authorities as well as employers’ representatives, trade unions, research institutes, statistical offices, companies, and consultancies, provides a methodology for establishing essential criteria for a detailed analysis of how a just transition affects employment, providing support for workers throughout the process.
  • Good practices on energy transition governance in cross-border/interregional cooperation is aimed at regional and local public authorities in JTF regions, companies, research organisations, civil society organisations, and shares survey findings and good practices gathered from a survey conducted with JTP stakeholders on effective energy transition governance in JTF regions.

You can learn more about the JTP Working Groups and access all these outputs on our Working Groups: Outputs webpage. All outputs are available in English, with selected outputs available in other EU languages.

Earlier this year, the JTP launched two new Working Groups on stakeholder engagement and equal opportunities, which focus on all JTF regions (coal and carbon-intensive). These groups are currently in their scoping phase.