en English

EUTeens4Green: become actors of the green transition

  • 22 September 2022
EUTeens4Green: become actors of the green transition

EUTeens4Green call for project proposals is open and gives the opportunity for young people to be actors of the green transition in Europe.

EUTeens4Green offers the opportunity to young people to participate to decision making in EU cohesion policy. It focuses on the regions that will be most impacted by the transition to climate neutrality, because they are heavily dependent on fossil fuels or on carbon-intensive industries. Youth can help identify people that are at risk of exclusion as a result of the transition, to propose actions for involvement of these people in their territory and to choose topics close to them.

The call for project proposals is dedicated to young people between 15 and 24 years old that are resident in one of the territories indicated in the map below (i.e. preliminary analysis by the European Commission of Just Transition Fund territorial eligibility).

Young people, either individually, in a group or as an association, are invited to submit proposals for the involvement of people in their community that are negatively affected by the green transition. Projects should be completed in maximum 12 months.

The budget of the call is of € 700.000. The maximum financial support per project is € 10.000.

For further information please visit the website EUTeens4Green.

To learn about the project and the application process join a dedicated webinar every Wednesday and Saturday at 18.00 CET until 02 November 2022.

The call for project proposals closes on 03 November 2022.

Apply to the EUTeens4Green call


This call for project proposals is launched under the “EUTeens4Green - A new Generation of Young Ambassadors for a just inclusive Transition” project, co-funded by the European Union (Call for proposals - Promoting youth participation in just transition – EUTEENS4GREEN). The call for project proposals is managed by the consortium composed of Startup Europe Regions Network (SERN), Youth and Environment Europe (YEE), and CEE Bankwatch Europe with the support of Generation Climate Europe.

EUTeens4Green is one of the initiatives of the European Year of Youth 2022

Just Transition Platform