en English

Good Governance for EU Regional Policy

Good Governance for EU Regional Policy

The Commission is launching a series of virtual events for Member States in cooperation with several international partners under the joint heading ‘Good Governance for EU Regional Policy’:

  • On 8-9 February 2022 (14:30 – 17:30) Commissioner Elisa Ferreira will open the series with the first event ‘Building Transparency with Integrity Pacts in Europe’
  • On 16 February 2022 (full day) the ‘Forum for Managing Authorities: Building Administrative Capacity 2021-2027’ will take place
  • On 1 March 2022 (11:00 – 12:30) tools for administrative capacity building for authorities managing the ERDF, the Cohesion Fund and the Just Transition Fund will be presented
  • On 10 March 2022 (10:00 – 12:00) there will be a political debate with the Commissioner on strengthening citizen engagement in cohesion policy.

At the first event ‘Building Transparency with Integrity Pacts in Europe’ the results of the pilot project run with Transparency International and other civil society organisations in 11 Member States since 2016 will be presented. The agenda covers lessons learned and the future of clean contracting and investment in Europe.

The second event ‘Forum for Managing Authorities: Building Administrative Capacity 2021-2027’ organised in cooperation with the OECD will bring together Managing Authorities to gain insights from experts on administrative capacity building; explore new ideas for building capacity to overcome administrative challenges that can limit effective management and use of EU funds under Cohesion Policy, including for developing Roadmaps for Administrative Capacity Building; and share outcomes and lessons-learned from the DG REGIO pilot project Frontloading Administrative Capacity Building for Post-2020 to scale up administrative capacity building efforts.
Interpretation will be provided from/to French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Polish.

Information sheet

The third event will present tools supporting administrative capacity building (ACB), such as the Practical toolkit for developing roadmaps for ACB, Peer2Peer+, the Competency framework, a self-assessment instrument for managing authorities, the strategic training programme and the online ‘EU Funds Anti-Fraud Knowledge and Resource Centre’.

The fourth event will present the outcomes of a pilot project run with the OECD to develop good practices on how to strengthen citizen engagement in programme implementation and the results of a grant scheme to civil society organisations. This will be preceded by a high-level panel discussing the importance of citizen engagement in the design and implementation of cohesion policy and in a wider and strategic EU policy context. At the end a new joint initiative by the OECD and DG REGIO will be launched that involves programme authorities and beneficiaries of the European Regional Development Fund and civil society organisations.

How to register for the events

Registration form
