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Vratsa Integrated Water Project - II-nd phase

  • 20 December 2017

The second phase of the two-stage Vratsa Integrated Water Project is now underway at Vratsa in the North-West region of Bulgaria. The project covers the town's urban water distribution and wastewater collection and wastewater treatment systems, and is aimed at ensuring efficient management of the entire water cycle. Tasks initiated during phase one are to be completed in the second phase. The whole project has received support from EU funding.

Phase two of the project includes rebuilding and repair of 17.62 km of Vratsa’s water supply network, particularly in places where many leaks occur, plus reconstruction and rehabilitation of 2.35 km of the main sewage collectors and 7.59 km of the secondary sewage network.

The sewage collection network is being extended by a total of 8.77 km in the town of Vratsa itself and in the neighbouring districts of Kulata and Bistrets. The project also covers repair of the steel pipe and reconstruction of the asbestos and cement water mains which run the 33.3 km from the Srechenska bara dam to Vratsa.

Renovation of the waste water treatment plant is to be completed, including the installation of mechanical and electrical equipment, construction of new buildings and refurbishment of existing structures. The plant will treat both domestic and industrial waste water.

Compliance with EU environmental requirements

The overall objective of both phases of the project is to improve drinking and waste water infrastructure within the Vratsa urban area and bring the water systems into line with relevant EU environmental requirements. These requirements concern aspects such as urban waste water, ground and surface water and water intended for human consumption.

In its second phase, the total budget for the project stands at in excess of EUR 57.7 million, with the EU providing just under EUR 35 million in funding. When completed, the improvements should lead to the entire population of the area being connected to both the sewerage and drinking water networks, and reduce losses of water from the networks by 65 %.

An important tourism centre in Bulgaria’s North-West

With a population of approximately 60 000, Vratsa is Bulgaria’s 17th largest city and the administrative centre of Vratsa Province. It is situated in the foothills of the Balkan mountains and lies on the banks of the river Leva, some 60 kilometres north-east of Bulgaria’s capital Sofia on the railway line between Sofia and the border with Romania.

The landscape around the city makes it an important tourist destination. Located in the nearby Vratsa mountain, the 300-metre-long Ledenika cave is one of the most famous caves in Bulgaria. Its entrance is 830 metres above sea level and it contains a series of galleries and rock formations, including stalactites and stalagmites, dating back a thousand years. Another feature of Vratsa mountain is the Vratsata gorge, with its cliffs which offer possibilities for climbing.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Vratsa Integrated Water Project – Phase 2” is EUR 57 752 689, with the EU’s Cohesion Fund contributing EUR 34 925 519 through the “Environment” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period.