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Urban road regeneration in downtown Békéscsaba

  • 28 January 2016

The project 'Development of urban roads, maintained by the municipality in Árpád sor, Derkovits sor, József Attila utca, Luther utca' reconstructed four road sections in the town of Békéscsaba, contributing to its downtown regeneration initiative.

The development of the urban roads represents the first phase of Békéscsaba city centre regeneration. The rearrangement of traffic meets the required standards for transport safety, traffic management and accessibility.

László Wittmann head of the Strategic Management and Development Unit, Municipality of Békéscsaba County Borough

The redevelopment work has helped improve traffic management and safety in the city centre. Traffic lights were relocated, a new pedestrian crossing was installed and ‘traffic calming measures’ were taken, explains László Wittmann, head of the Strategic Management and Development Unit of the Municipality of Békéscsaba County Borough. These measures included raising the pavement, painting road surface marking and installing road signs. Furthermore, laybys were created with accessible parking bays.

The project also focused on upgrading urban infrastructure such as storm water drainage, the protection electric cables and the creation of bus stops. The project drew on an ‘exceptionally high level of technical expertise’ and demonstrated the ‘multiple benefits of implementing cohesion policy,’ says Mr Wittmann.

Urban renewal

Specifically, the project replaced road kerbs on a 500 m section of road between Bajza utca and Gyulai út at Árpád sor while at the same widening the pavement to 6.15 m. At Derkovits sor, pavements were widened on a 507 m stretch of road between Gyulai út and Bánszki utca and drains were reconstructed. Also here, two new 18 m long bus stops were created.

On the third road, József Attila utca, the total length of pavement was reconstructed and a parking lane created. New rain water drains were installed and a drinking water pipe was laid on a 99 m section. Finally, the traffic lane on the section between Irányi utca and Jókai út was extended and two additional bus stops were created. Here, traffic lights were installed on the junction with Luther utca.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Development of urban roads, maintained by the municipality in Árpád sor, Derkovits sor, József Attila utca, Luther utca” is HUF 290 749 574 (approximately EUR 931 192), of which the EU’s European Regional Development Fund is contributing HUF 247 137 021 (approximately EUR 791 513) from the Operational Programme “South Great Plain” for the 2007 to 2013 programming period.