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Support network for business women in Leicester

  • 16 March 2011

Women looking to start a business of their own or develop a career in the UK’s East Midlands region can access Leicester Business Women. This multi-year project aims to offer guidance on the practicalities of business and to improve participants’ confidence and motivation.

Leicester is a city of around 295 000 people and has suffered over recent decades from the decline of many of its traditional industries. The project’s main goal is to assist 135 local women start a business, leading to the creation of 70 solid new businesses and 60 new jobs.

Specific business guidance

Leicester Business Women (LBW) is focused on women in everything from start-ups to established businesses, whether working from home or their own office. The partners aim to offer assistance through a wide range of actions, such as increasing awareness of women’s entrepreneurship, workshops, motivational coaching, networking events and a dedicated website. They are also setting up a network of women’s hubs that provide information and guidance.

The project has been designed to work in conjunction with the Start Up Service provided by Business Link, a UK government-backed regional advisory service. The goal is to enhance enterprise and start-up initiatives – including the provision of enterprise-awareness coaching and mentoring. A specific target is to create 120 female-owned businesses, with 60% of them still existing after a period of 12 months. There are also plans to deliver an events programme to showcase these businesses and raise women’s awareness of enterprise as a life option.

Networking is a priority

The LBW has already succeeded in its one of its goals: designing and managing a web-portal to support women in business ( It also regularly organises events in its host city on women and business, with themes such as financial planning, business plans and self-motivation, with the support of experienced women entrepreneurs and other business experts.

Furthermore the project offers free coaching support to female entrepreneurs, plus mentoring even for those with established businesses. The LBW’s ‘Cappuccino Corner’ networking events are also proving popular, offering useful guidance and support for women entrepreneurs of every kind.