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Ashfield training centre overcomes skills shortages

Providing training relevant to the local job market is one way in which the Ashfield Skills Centre is boosting employability in a region hit by the demise of the coalmining and hosiery industries. By working alongside employers, the centre proactively seeks to overcome skills shortages through high quality vocational courses.

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Computer courses for vulnerable groups

Digital Meeting Places, also called Digital Playgrounds, were set up in underprivileged neighbourhoods of Arnhem, to equip local residents with ICT skills and thus improve their job prospects. In total, about 610 people completed courses, some of which were given by previous course participants who trained to become volunteers. The project exceeded all its objectives, leading to the establishment of seven centres instead of four and attracting more than twice as many participants as foreseen.

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Making women bankable

The Micro Finance Institute promotes entrepreneurship among economically deprived women by helping them come up with a business plan and then get the funding to make it happen. Nearly 110 women representing 25 nationalities and varying educational backgrounds participated, with 16 of them starting their own businesses.

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Support network for business women in Leicester

Women looking to start a business of their own or develop a career in the UK’s East Midlands region can access Leicester Business Women. This multi-year project aims to offer guidance on the practicalities of business and to improve participants’ confidence and motivation.

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Tackling the scourge of youth unemployment

A highly successful programme to combat youth unemployment in the Brandenburg region of Germany succeeded in finding skilled jobs for 2 231 people under the age of 30.

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Female entrepreneurs driving dynamic new firms

Women on the island of Cyprus are being given a helping hand to set up their businesses, thanks to a two-year project. The main goal is to develop, support and encourage entrepreneurship by women between the ages of 18 and 55.

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Fostering sustainable growth in the inner city

Brussels Sustainable Economy is a Brussels Capital Region initiative designed to stimulate new enterprise, and therefore jobs, based on the creation of environmentally orientated economic activity. The project is part of a programme to improve conditions in a disadvantaged inner-area of the city alongside the canal, and targets six specific environmental circuits: eco-construction, renewable energy, waste, water, sustainable food, and green chemistry and green/white biotechnology.

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A Scandinavian model for women-led companies

Female entrepreneurs in three Nordic countries have joined forces to boost women-led small and medium-sized companies. Their aim is to strengthen the competitive conditions for the Kattegat/Skagerrak region through innovation, development and viable growth.

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New equipment to boost jobs and spark innovation

Portugal’s leading supplier of industrial gases aims to expand business and become more competitive, by modernising factory equipment at its main site in Estarreja. The project is part supported by the EU and is mainly designed to have a positive impact on local skilled jobs.

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