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Strengthening the flood defence system in the Karlovac region of Croatia

  • 08 April 2022

Flood defences in the region of Karlovac, central Croatia, will be constructed or rebuilt to protect lives and infrastructure from floods that are frequent in this area. The project will help to protect the environment and local economy while supporting adaptation to climate change in the Kupa river basin.

Two-phase project

Due to the complexity and scale of the planned work, it will be split into two phases, running throughout the 2014-2020 and 2021-2027 programming periods. The aim is to improve the existing flood defence system in the Kupa river basin, to protect the cities of Karlovac and Sisak, an area extending over 71.2 km2.

The first phase of the project, the subject of the present application, is scheduled for completion by 2023 and will be carried out during the 2014-2020 programming period. Preparatory and earth-moving works will be carried out for either the construction or rebuilding of four sluices (Šišljavić, Brodarci and two at the Kupa-Korana rivers trench). Embankments totalling 34.2 km in length will be constructed or reinforced.

Both phases will result in new or reinforced embankments 131.8 km in length. The entire flood defence line in the region is 217.3 km long.

Phase 2, to be completed during the 2021-2027 programming period, will complete the work started in the Karlovac area, and instigate construction in the Sisak region. The costs for this phase will be covered by European Structural and Investment Funds and national funding.

Frequent flooding

Four rivers converge in the Karlovac area: the Kupa, Korana, Mrežnica and Dobra. Currently,  infrastructure that helps regulate and distribute flood waters is lacking, river embankments are either incomplete or too low, and some flood control dams are not high enough.

Between 2014 and 2018, 10 floods struck the region, making construction and reconstruction of sluices and embankments a matter of urgency.

Reducing the cost of flood damage

The project will substantially reduce the financial impact of flooding on the economy, property and infrastructure. At present, average annual flood damage in the area amounts to HRK 132.1 million (EUR 17.5 million).

Completion of phase one by 2023 should reduce the average annual flood damage cost by HRK 80.5 million (EUR 10.7 million), or 61 %. It is predicted that around 7 616 inhabitants will benefit from better flood-protection measures.

By the end of the second phase, the cost of flood damage should be reduced by around 99 %, to HRK 1.31 million (EUR 174 000), while the number of people who will benefit is expected to increase to 31 050.

In addition, the work will help protect the environment and ensure compliance with the Commission’s Water Framework Directive and the Directive on the Assessment and Management of Flood Risks.

Croatia’s existing flood-defence system of dams and wide flood plains helps to protect wetlands and is in line with the EU’s water management policies, defined in the two EU Directives mentioned above.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Flood Protection Scheme for the Karlovac – Sisak Area, phase 1 – Karlovac area” is EUR 221 496 414, with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 60 363 718 through the “Competitiveness and Cohesion” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period.