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Road reconstruction improves transport links across Czech-Slovak border

  • 20 June 2016

Secondary road 484 which runs between Turzovka in Slovakia and Bíla in the Czech Republic has been reconstructed and modernised, while upgrades have been made to the road's bridges and signposting, as well as to nearby sluice gates. This has improved cross-border transport links for local residents and made the area more accessible to visitors.

Thanks to the project, the reconstructed road serves as one of the main transport links for residents of the border area. The entire site is an attractive place for visitors to the region, and better transport connections have improved the local environment by reducing noise and improving air quality.

Luboš Bourek, European Projects Department, Moravian-Silesian regional authority

The Moravian-Silesian Region in the Czech Republic and the Žilina Region in Slovakia have a long history of cooperation on cross-border projects, including in the field of transport. The modernisation of transport infrastructure is an important issue on both sides of the border, given that it is one of the main preconditions for economic growth and development in the region.

Secondary road 484 between Turzovka, on the Slovak side, and Bílá, on the Czech side, sees particularly high volumes of traffic due to the access which it provides to routes leading towards regional centres such as Ostrava, Žilina and Čadca. Given its status as an important artery linking the Moravian-Silesian and Žilina regions, this road has a considerable influence on the daily life and mobility of local inhabitants, as well as on the economic development and competitiveness of the region.

Two-phase reconstruction and modernisation

The condition of the road and its infrastructure was such that an expert evaluation deemed reconstruction and modernisation necessary. The project carried this out over two phases, with the work including upgrades to bridge structures, drainage and traffic signs, replacement of traffic delineators making the edge of lanes or carriageways, fresh road markings and other improvements to better enable the road to cope with cross-border transport flows.

The result of the two phases of the project was a reconstructed and modernised section of road, 15.6 km in length, of which around 10.4 km is in Slovakia and 5.2 km is in the Czech Republic. Six bridges and five sluice gates were modernised on the Slovak side, as were two bridges and twelve sluice gates on the Czech side.

The project has increased accessibility on both sides of the border, making it easier for local residents to get to work and school. The reconstruction has contributed to improving safety standards on the road and smoothing traffic flows, while the upgraded road surfaces have reduced the degree of wear on vehicles.

Economic and environmental benefits

From an economic point of view, businesses in the tourism sector have benefited, since the road runs through an area which is popular with tourists. The project has also had a positive environmental impact, with surface noise from vehicles having been reduced and more free-flowing traffic helping to improve air quality.

The project was publicised through placing of announcements in regional weekly newspapers and the installation of information boards close to the works during implementation. The latter were replaced by permanent hoardings providing an explanation of the work done on both sides of the border after the end of the project.

Closing conferences were held on completion and attended by representatives of the partners. Information on the project was published at the partners' websites and publicity materials, such as reflective bands and vests, were distributed to local children.

Total investment and EU funding 

Total investment for both phases of the project “The Reconstruction of the Bílá-Klokočov  Turzovka road´s section” is EUR 4 875 434, with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 4 144 118 through the “Slovakia - Czech Republic” Operational Programme for the 2007-2013 programming period.