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Renewable energy powers ahead in Andalusia

  • 02 February 2018

The ‘Andalucía A+’ incentive programme has funded 104 631 projects related to renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy infrastructure in 765 of the 771 municipalities in Andalucía, Spain. The projects have resulted in energy savings equivalent to the consumption of 10.2 million light bulbs and a reduction of 2.3 million tonnes of CO2 per year. The programme has also helped to improve the region’s economy, created new business opportunities, boosted employment and reduced public spending.

The Andalucía A+ programme has led to investments in renewable energy and infrastructures, improving the energy efficiency of companies, citizens and municipalities in the region.

Cristóbal Sánchez Morales, Managing Director Andalusian Energy Agency. Junta de Andalucía

The reactivation of the Andalusian economy after the economic crisis required a reorientation in its productive model towards sustainable growth. Andalucía A+ is the new scheme that unifies in a single programme multiple approaches to incentive people, companies and local municipalities to invest in renewable energies and update their infrastructure.

Participants have boosted their energy efficiency as a result, leading to a reduction in their energy bills and the impact of their activities on the environment.

The key to the programme’s success has been its development of a comprehensive strategy for sustainable energy development in the region. The sustainable strategy helped to strengthen the competitiveness of a highly specialised industry, which generates jobs and economic growth.

The funding received through the programme has helped boost the region’s economy, attracting EUR 1 billion of investments in the region’s green economy – about 1.3 % of the Andalusia’s GDP.

Bringing ‘eco-wealth’ to the region

The ‘Andalucía A+’ project has obtained tangible results. For example, energy savings equivalent to 43 470 tonnes of oil a year was saved, 68 967 m2 of new solar thermal capture systems were created, as well as 365 MW of new biomass power and 822 kWp of photovoltaic power in the first year. More than 33 000 individuals received over EUR 47 million for their projects in the first year, mobilising over EUR 130 million within the local economy.

Taxi drivers also benefited from funding to buy hybrid cars. In total, 131 vehicles were purchased and an overall energy saving equivalent to 237 000 litres of fuel is expected, along with a reduction of 544 tonnes of CO2 emissions.

Tourism businesses have been among the programme’s main recipients. The project has supported 376 energy related projects for companies in this sector and attracted investments of up to EUR 17.7 million. For example, the Hotel Playa Ballena de Rota has installed a biomass boiler for hot water supply that is fuelled with bioenergy instead of propane gas.

Until the end of the project, more than 105 000 energy-saving and energy-efficiency projects have been supported, as well as the use of renewables and the improvement of energy infrastructures in Andalusia. Regarding solar and thermal energy, more than 310 000 m2 of solar thermal collecting surface have been installed in order to produce hot water. And more than 8 200 high-efficient vehicles have been supported, improving energy efficiency in the transport sector, with the consequent saving of fossil fuels.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Andalucía A+” is EUR 198 043 090, with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 105 730 365 through the “Andalusia” Operational Programme for the 2007-2013 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “Jobs, Growth and Investment”.