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Reducing waste through composting in Kráľová pri Senci, Slovakia

  • 18 June 2020

The town of Kráľová pri Senci, in the east of the Bratislava region of the Slovak Republic, improved its waste management system by distributing composters to residents for their biologically degradable waste.

By properly composting, residents can secure an economically efficient waste management system in the municipality. We see a huge benefit in reducing the volume of mixed municipal waste in the municipality, and the amount of landfilled waste.

Erika Petriková Economist of the Municipal Office of Kráľová pri Senci

With the help EU funds, the municipality acquired 675 garden composters and distributed them among local households. The composters come in two sizes: 800 litres and 1 050 litres.

A new waste management system

Implementation of the project marked the beginning of processing and composting biodegradable municipal waste by the town’s residents. This has eliminated more environmentally unfriendly methods of eliminating biodegradable waste, grass cuttings and pruned branches, such as burning it in gardens.

The project helped reduce illegal dumps in the town. In addition, relieving local waste processing facilities of the town’s biodegradable municipal waste freed up 540 m3 of space for other rubbish.

Giving residents the responsibility of recycling their biodegradable waste resulted in a significant reduction in waste collection runs, saving the town both fuel and money.

Focusing on re-use

Residents can use their home-made compost to feed and maintain plants in their gardens and houses. Any surplus compost can collected to be used for public green areas in and around Kráľová pri Senci.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “PBMWCMKS – Prevention of biodegradable municipal waste creation in the municipality of Kráľová pri Senci” is EUR 74 025, with the EU’s Cohesion Fund contributing EUR 62 922 through the “Quality of Environment” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “Technical facilities in municipalities with high share of marginalised Roma communities”.