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Promoting the use of geothermal energy in the Brussels-Capital Region

  • 27 September 2019

BruGeo aims to enhance the geothermal potential of the Brussels region, in particular shallow geothermal energy coupled with a heat pump. Mapping Brussels' geothermal potential helps to promote the use of this clean and renewable energy source. The project aims to bring together the key players who are active in the geothermal energy field in Brussels, and to strengthen economic activity in this sector through the development of SMEs.

A better characterisation of the Brussels subsoil has made it possible to map out the geothermal potential of Brussels. Such a tool will eventually allow any citizen to easily estimate the benefits associated with installing a geothermal system in their home.

Pierre Gerard, Associate Professor at the Université Libre de Bruxelles

The BruGeo project aims to promote the use of geothermal energy in the Brussels-Capital Region for heating and cooling applications in buildings or for energy storage. Geothermal energy has the advantage of being a clean resource in terms of gas emissions and, furthermore, is unlimited. It therefore has its place in the energy mix of the future, but with regard to its potential, remains underused for two main reasons:

the technique is often unknown to architects or project owners;a lack of knowledge of the Brussels subsoil is a barrier to investments associated with the preliminary studies required for large buildings.

Characterisation of soils

The development of geothermal energy requires, first of all, a better knowledge of the Brussels subsoil. Indeed, the type and conditions of the subsoil can influence the efficiency and therefore the size of the systems to be installed. First of all, this consists of gathering existing information from the various project partners, before targeting areas where knowledge is more limited to carry out field tests to better characterise the subsoil.

The project also includes a consideration on the revision of legislation that was, at the beginning of this project, not adapted to this type of technology.

Finally, it includes a communication and promotion component of the technology for the various target audiences: citizens, architects, energy design offices, installers and drillers.

Significant progress and communication activities

Several achievements have already taken place. In-situ tests (drilling, pumping tests, characterisation of geothermal properties, etc.) have been carried out in a series of Brussels sites, with a focus on rock layers encountered at a depth of more than 100 m in Brussels. These layers are generally not used for geothermal energy, although they do still have significant potential.

A mapping of Brussels' geothermal potential will then be put online in spring 2020. This will provide anyone with the pre-dimensioning for a geothermal installation (number of probes, depths) in relation to the location and energy needs of the building. A land register of existing installations in the Brussels region has been drawn up. In parallel, the legislation on geothermal installations has been revised. Communication events (general public conference to raise awareness of geothermal energy, specific conference for design offices and installers on the specificities of geothermal energy in Brussels, etc.) were organised. Finally, a website containing all of the information needed to set up a geothermal project in Brussels has been created.

Four researchers (university, research centre) are directly funded by the project. In addition, a number of companies received non-financial support through the project activities. In the long term, a more frequent use of geothermal energy could contribute to the Brussels region's energy transition towards a more rational and sustainable use of energy.


Total investment and European funding

Total investment for the project ‘BruGeoThermap’ is EUR 1 085 145; the European Regional Development Fund contribution is EUR 485 125 through the ‘ERDF PO Brussels Capital Region/EFRO OP Brussel Hoofdstedelijk Gewest’ cooperation programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment is part of the "Energy Union and Climate" priority.