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Promoting innovation and entrepreneurship in the Croatia-Serbia cross-border region

  • 10 July 2020

The XBIT project focused on developing a favourable environment for innovation, the IT industry, entrepreneurship, job creation, talent retention and increasing the number of skilled young professionals in the Croatia-Serbia cross-border area. The most significant results have been the creation of a cross-border network of ICT stakeholders, designing and implementing educational, motivational and networking programmes, and establishing Fab Labs and a Mobile Lab.

By focusing on building entrepreneurial knowhow, the XBIT project has successfully enhanced the innovation capacity of the region’s traditional and technology companies. As a result, the entire Croatia-Serbia cross-border region is benefiting from an increased level of competitiveness.

Marko Perić, Head of Sector, Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds, Republic of Croatia

Before the Croatia-Serbia cross-border area can establish itself as a hub for IT excellence, it first needs to ensure its workforce has the right skills.

This is where the EU-funded XBIT project came in. It involved cooperation between the public sector, academia, R&D institutions, corporations, entrepreneurs, and business support organisations. The focus was on education, networking, and knowledge exchange. The result has been a significant increase in IT-related entrepreneurial activity on both sides of the border.

From innovation labs to innovative products

The project played an essential role in attracting IT companies to the region and creating new employment opportunities. One of the main outcomes was the establishment of innovation centres.

Three physical centres, known as Fab Labs, and one mobile innovation lab, were set up and equipped with the latest in virtual reality, internet of things (IoT), 3D printing, and drone technology. These labs regularly host meetings, workshops, and an array of courses.

A number of impressive results have come out of these labs. For example, when the COVID-19 pandemic struck, the labs used the equipment and skills provided by XBIT to create protective visors for use at 30 medical facilities in both countries.

Other innovative products developed with the project’s support include a 3D-printed prosthetic forearm and a unique device that brings together 3D printing, laser cutting, and computer numerical control into one easy-to-use solution.

The project supported the successful launch of several new start-ups, including one that develops 3D moulds for producing fishing lures and archery arrows. Another start-up developed an innovative concept for using IoT-based solutions for tracking cattle on farms.

A focus on education

Another core focus was education. By offering sessions on a wide range of technology and entrepreneurial topics, the innovative capacity of the region’s students and existing enterprises was increased. Regarding the latter, the project developed a curriculum specifically for educating traditional companies on using new technologies to improve their business.

Emphasis was placed on the involvement of women and girls. This included the organisation of dedicated events for female entrepreneurs and IT specialists.

Even though the XBIT project has ended, its impact will continue to be felt, thanks to the establishment of the Crossbit Network. This is a legal entity comprised of stakeholders from both sides of the border dedicated to developing innovation, competitiveness, and entrepreneurship in the long-term.  

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “XBIT” is EUR 562 256, with the EU’s Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance contributing EUR 477 918 through the Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Croatia-Serbia 2014-2020. The investment falls under the priority “Enhancing competitiveness and developing business environment in the programme area”.