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Project brings reliable source of clean drinking water to Romania’s Prahova County

  • 20 December 2017

To ensure more residents of Romania’s Prahova County have access to clean drinking water and a safe sewage system, this EU-funded project expanded and refurbished the area’s water infrastructure.

To improve the health and standard of living for 167 000 residents of Romania’s Prahova County, this project expanded and modernised the area’s drinking water supply system and waste water collection and treatment network. The project, led by regional operating company Hidro Prahova, included, among other work, the construction and upgrade of seven waste water treatment plants.

As a result, those living within the project area now have a reliable source of clean drinking water and a direct connection to the sewage system.

Clean drinking water, safer sewage disposal

Located in Romania’s Sud-Muntenia Region, in the south central part of the country, Prahova County includes the townships of Campina, Breaza, Sinaia, Baicoi, Mizil, Valenii de Munte, Plopeni and Urlati. As a result of this work, 96 % of the population of these townships now have access to a drinking water supply that is fully compliant with all relevant rules and regulations. Furthermore, 91 % of the population is now connected to the regional sewage system.

Environmental benefits too

In addition to the aforementioned benefits to the local population, this project is also responsible for a considerable reduction in pollution. Prior to the construction of the new sewage system, much of the area’s waste water was discharged directly into surrounding rivers and streams.

This included the Prahova River, which collects many other rivers as it makes its way down from the mountains and through the Prahova Valley. This pollution has been an ongoing health and environmental hazard. Furthermore, thanks to the project’s extension of the waste water system, groundwater and subsoil contamination levels have been substantially reduced.  

The project, which represents Phase II of a larger infrastructure project, is expected to create 200 jobs during the implementation phase. Phase I was funded during the 2007-2013 programming period.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “’Rehabilitation and modernisation of water and sewerage systems in Prahova County’ Phase II” is EUR 81 535 054, with the EU’s Cohesion Fund contributing EUR 46 129 919 through the “Large Infrastructure” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period.