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Polish automatic measuring system speeds up quality control for manufacturers

  • 27 October 2020

EU funding has enabled Polish company ITA to develop an automatic metrology platform that uses a robotic laser to generate digitised macro-scale images of the surfaces of industrial clients’ products. It sends the images to the clients, who can use the system remotely to perform fast, accurate quality control. This reduces costs and boosts productivity.

“The aim of the project was to develop an automatic measurement system for remote users. As a result, an autonomous cell equipped with a robot, laser scanner and tracker, a tracking camera system and remote access software was created. Image transmission and contact were enabled, allowing interaction between the remote user and measuring system. The recipient does not have to leave their job, saving time and financial resources and maintaining a social distance during the pandemic period.”

Dorota Wawrzyńska, director of administration, ITA

The new platform includes a measuring system, a robot, a laser scanner and tracker, a tracking camera system, a specially adapted computer and measurement and remote-access software. All of these were purchased under the project. Images of objects are obtained by combining multiple scans the robot takes from various angles.

Remote interaction between a firm’s measurement system and its customers is highly innovative and expands ITA’s range of services. It also helps to maintain social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In addition, the platform enables the company to improve its existing services, such as 3D scanning, data processing and automatic and robotic operations, which is particularly beneficial when dealing with regular or large-scale orders.

A fast-growing company

ITA is based in Poznań, capital of Poland’s Wielkopolskie region. The company has been providing comprehensive solutions in the field of industrial metrology – the application of measurement to manufacturing – and cutting tools for over two decades.

The fast-growing business employs around 50 people – many of them qualified industrial metrology engineers and experts – and has some 90 measuring devices at its disposal. Its product range encompasses approximately 600 models of cutting tool and 300 measuring devices from world-leading manufacturers. This equipment is used to make items from a wide variety of materials and for quality control during and after production.

Clients include several hundred companies from Poland and elsewhere, representing a broad spectrum of industries, such as the automotive, aviation, machinery and plastics sectors. As well as supplying equipment, ITA offers installation, maintenance and training services.

Extensive research

R&D is another part of the company’s work. ITA collaborates with universities and scientific institutes on developing automated technologies for industry. Its modern facilities house a laboratory for testing the physical properties and composition of materials, metrology research and calibration of advanced measuring instruments to ensure their accuracy.

Development of the new platform is based on ITA’s understanding of the importance of metrology to the fourth industrial revolution or Industry 4.0 – the application of smart technology to manufacturing practices to enhance automation. As an Industry 4.0 concept, the platform constitutes a step towards making metrology an integral part of automated production processes.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Platform for interactive metrological analyses in the Industry 4.0 concept enabling robotic laser digitisation of surfaces on a macro scale” is EUR 179 000 (PLN 799 500), with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 65 000 (PLN 292 500) through the “Wielkopolskie Voivodeship” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “Research, technological development and innovation”.