en English

New waste management scheme provides boost for local economy

  • 10 December 2014

The new integrated waste management system being built in Bihor County, Romania, will set the country on track towards reducing landfilled biodegradable waste and raise public environmental awareness.

The project aims at developing an integrated waste management system which will integrate all the necessary waste collections, separate collections, transport, transfer, treatment and recycling. Alongside this system, measures will be taken regarding the closing and rehabilitation of 8 noncompliant urban landfills. Moreover, this project aims at increasing public participation and awareness through campaigns and advertising.

In addition to the implementation of selective collection and the supply of 20 000 home composting units in rural areas, the project will involve the construction of transfer stations and sorting plants, as well as a storage unit, not to mention the building of a mechanical biological treatment plant.

Combining compliance with EU obligations and job creation

This project will benefit the entire Bihor County population of 590 200 inhabitants and help Romania to comply with EU environmental legislation. The quantity of landfilled biodegradable waste will be reduced by 65 % in 2016 compared to 1995, and the separate collection of packaging waste provided for the entire population will lead to a total recovery rate of 60 %, with total recycling at 55 % by 2016.

Last but not least, 18 jobs are expected to be created during the implementation of the project, and 288 are expected upon completion.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Integrated waste management system in Bihor County” is EUR 44 010 311, of which the EU’s European Regional Development Fund is contributing EUR 34 426 098 from the Operational Programme “Environment” for the 2007 to 2013 programming period. Work falls under priority axis “Development of integrated waste management systems and rehabilitation of historically contaminated sites”.