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New section of the D3 motorway near Čadca, Slovakia eases traffic flows

  • 10 May 2019

A major scheme to provide almost 6 km of new the D3 motorway between Bukov and Svrčinovec helps to ease Čadca’s road congestion problems while cutting travel times and harmful emissions. Construction is taking place in the north-western part of Slovakia, through mountainous territory. 

The new motorway is being built in parallel to the existing I/11 first-class road, which passes near Čadca and has heavy traffic flows – both local and international in origin. Construction works include a section of dual carriageway with a 24.5 m profile and seven bridges on the D3, with a total length of 2 449 m, and two bridges over the new road. Also included in the scheme are three interchange ramps and seven bridges on local roads, 19 retaining walls and around 11 km of noise barriers.

Real savings

Estimated time savings for passenger transport once the new road is open are EUR 11 638 916 by target year  2023. In addition, emissions of particulates (PM10) and Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) should be reduced by 3.80 tonnes and 17 tonnes respectively by 2023.

Čadca is near Slovakia’s borders with Poland and the Czech Republic and acts as a gateway for traffic from these countries. The D3 motorway forms part of the Baltic Adriatic TEN-T (Trans-European transport network) corridor, which aims to improve traffic flows and journey times in the region. The EU is investing billions of euros into the network so that people and goods can move more easily in and between member states.

The town of Čadca lies in the Slovak region of Žilina in the north of the country and sits about 420 m above sea level. It is home to around 25 000 people.

Total investment and EU funding 

Total investment for the project “D3 Čadca, Bukov - Svrčinovec” is 308 041 878, with the EU’s Cohesion Fund contributing EUR 71 647 784 through the “Integrated Infrastructure” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “Transport and energy networks”.