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New section of Slovakia’s D3 motorway provides a bypass for Žilina

  • 28 August 2017

A section of Slovakia’s D3 motorway close to the city of Žilina in the north of the country has been built with EU funding. It is approximately 4.25 kilometres in length and part of the D1/D3 motorway transit route. This links the Slovak capital Bratislava with the city of Trenčín as well as with Žilina, and also provides an important international connection between Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland.

The part of the D3 covered by the project runs between the villages of Strážov and Brodno. Work on the section – which also fulfils the role of a bypass around Žilina – has been carried out over two phases.

The road is almost exclusively composed of 1 tunnel and 2 bridges. The tunnel, located in Považský Chlmec, is just under 2.25 kilometres long. There are two motorway bridges, with a total length of around 1.9 kilometres. The project creates a link between the section of the D3 from Hričovské Podhradie to Strážov – which is already in operation – and that from Brodno to Kysucké Nové Mesto.

Reduced congestion in urban areas

At regional level, the road substantially improves north-south transport links outside the built-up area of Žilina. It will also help to tackle congestion inside the urban area and have a significant impact on the development of the city, as well as that of the whole region.

Nationally, the project develops transport connections within Slovakia by increasing the capacity of, improving safety in and removing bottlenecks along the D1/D3 corridor. Internationally, it strengthens road links between Slovakia and neighbouring countries, particularly Poland and the Czech Republic to the north.

These improvements should lead to substantial time savings for passenger and freight transport, helping to facilitate the free movement of goods and people. They should also reduce the negative effects of road transport on public health by cutting emission levels of substances such as particulates and nitrogen dioxide, which cause atmospheric pollution.

An important industrial centre

Žilina is Slovakia’s fourth largest city, with a population of around 85 000, and an important regional centre in the north-west of the country. It lies around 200 kilometres north-east of Bratislava, in the vicinity of the Czech and Polish borders.

The city is the capital of both a district and an administrative region of the same name. It is the largest city situated on the Váh river – Slovakia’s longest.

In terms of transport, Žilina is an important road and rail junction, and served by Žilina airport, which is situated approximately 10 kilometres west of the city centre. The automotive industry contributes significantly to Žilina’s position as one of Slovakia’s industrial hubs, with the car plant in the city providing employment for many local residents. In addition, Žilina is the seat of one of the biggest Slovak construction and transport engineering companies.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “D3 Žilina, Strážov – Žilina, Brodno, II. fáza” is EUR 225 872 261, with the EU’s Cohesion Fund contributing EUR 147 667 357 through the “Integrated Infrastructure” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period.