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New ambulances for National Emergency Centre in Epirus, Greece

  • 18 September 2019

With the provision of 11 state-of-the-art ambulances, the National Emergency Centre in Epirus (EKAB), Greece can now provide its citizens with better healthcare services.

Thanks to the new EKAB vehicles, we can provide a more direct, quality, and efficient emergency service to the people of Epirus, resulting in decreased treatment periods, risk of serious injury and, most importantly, avoidable deaths.

Nikos Baltogiannis, OP OP Region of Epirus

Although the centre has a proud history of providing its citizens with quality, efficient healthcare, new technological advancements are required to maintain this reputation. EKAB’s fleet of ambulances was out of date, did not comply with the latest EU standards, and struggled to provide the urgent care that many citizens require. That is why this project financed a new fleet of ambulances for the Epirus region.

The 11 type B ambulances are compliant with European standards and equipped with the latest medical equipment needed to provide basic support to a patient’s vital functions during transportation. In exceptional circumstances, such as a mass emergency, the ambulances can be configured to transport and support two patients.

A key link in urgent care

The new fleet plays an essential role in EKAB’s ability to provide urgent care and emergency pre-hospital services while patients are being taken to a hospital or emergency room. Effective pre-hospital care is often vital to the survival of an injured person. With the new fleet, EKAB can provide this service from the scene of an accident and en route to hospital.

Helping reduce preventable deaths 

As a result of this project, every citizen in Epirus now has ready access to emergency and high-quality pre-hospital care. Project coordinators say the new fleet will result in a 30 % reduction in preventable deaths following an accident. Furthermore, the ability to provide immediate pre-hospital medical services will help reduce fatality rates and hospitalisation times, and mitigate the risk of permanent injury or disability. Not only does this mean better quality healthcare for the citizens of Epirus, it also means a reduction in service costs. 


Προμήθεια 11 ασθενοφόρων για τις ανάγκες του ΕΚΑΒ στην Περιφέρεια Ηπείρου  Europe in my Region - Υγεία (Ο κοινωνικός ρόλος του ΕΚΑΒ - 30/5/2018)

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Supply of 11 ambulances for the needs of the National Emergency Centre in the region of Epirus.” is EUR 663 586, with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 530 869 through the “Epirus” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “Reinforcement of educational, health and social infrastructure”.