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Natural gas pipeline to improve production power and reduce emissions

  • 31 December 2014

The construction of a new high-pressure natural gas pipeline in the Greek regions of Attica and Central Greece enhances the country’s productivity and energy efficiency, while reducing CO2 emissions, boosting competitiveness of local enterprises and creating jobs.

The project which was finalised in 2013 aims to increase Natural Gas (NG) penetration in households and in the industrial sector across mainland Greece. The investment takes into account the future increase in gas demand in Euboea and ensures the expansion of the NG system into new areas of the country.

Environmental and social impact

The “Stefani/Boeotia – Barnavas/Attica – Aliveri/Euboea” high-pressure NG pipeline runs from Boeotia to Euboea via the Attica region, and  reaches approximately 72 km in length. It enhances the productive power potential of the country, and also brings the possibility of natural gas supply to the urban and industrial areas of Central and South Euboea.

By replacing existing oil-fired units with NG power generation units, the pipeline is increasing the annual transmission capacity of the Euboea PPC unit to 350 million Nm3, and is reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 299 kilotons of CO2 per year.

Last but not least, the project is expected to create 400 permanent jobs during its lifetime.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “High Pressure Natural Gas Pipeline to Aliveri” is EUR 84 566 444, of which the EU’s European Regional Development Fund is contributing EUR 9 948 737 under the Operational Programmes “Attica” and “Thessalia – Sterea Ellada – Ipiros” for the 2007-2013 programming period.