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Low-emission buses and new transport infrastructure in eastern Poland

  • 10 May 2019

Residents of the Polish town of Sanok in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship are the beneficiaries of a project that has delivered new ‘greener’ public transport services and infrastructure to the region. The nearby communities of Zagórz and Lesko benefit from the scheme as well. It included construction of a new bus terminal, two park-and-ride points and the purchase of 11 low-emission buses.

The project will help to promote Sanok as a modern town that is focused on resolving environmental problems. Moreover this project is crucial for the public transport organisation, because it will help to systematise traffic flow within the town. The brand new multi-modal terminal is a real ‘visiting card’ for Sanok, and creates a positive picture for the visitors.

Tomasz Matuszewski, Mayor of Sanok

The new bus station in Sanok acts as the hub of the local public transport system. Situated in Lipinskiego Street, the station is two storeys high and covers 1 247 m2. Lots of public utility rooms are included, such as bars, shops, waiting rooms and a public information point. There are lifts with disabled access and a car park. The station connects to the city’s railway station via a new footbridge, to make it easier for commuters and visitors to move more easily between the two public transport services.

New fleet

The new fleet of buses includes three vehicles that fall under Euro six emission standards, which aim to reduce levels of exhaust emissions and improve air quality. The other eight buses are powered by compressed natural gas – methane stored under high pressure. The fleet provides improved access for disabled people.

One new park-and-ride structure was built in the town of Zagórz, which is around 10 km south-east of Sanok. The second park-and-ride is at the bus station in Sanok. Other project activities included renovating pedestrian infrastructure and building or revamping a number of bus stops. The community of Sanok performed this work.

Improved services

The main goal of the project was to increase the efficiency of public transport in the Sanok-Lesko area. More services were introduced as a result of the investment in this 42 km-long route. The new buses and facilities shorten travel times in the area and reduce traffic jams. Travel conditions for passengers were improved by reducing overcrowding on buses at peak times. Care was taken to plan new bus services which use more efficient routes outside peak hours.

In addition, modernising the infrastructure and using cleaner vehicles are expected to have a positive impact on the local environment. Reductions in greenhouse gas emissions thanks to the project are projected to be around 136.51 Mg/CO2 per year.

Total investment and EU funding 

Total investment for the project “Implementation of an integrated low-carbon emission transportation system: Sanok-Lesko” is EUR 6 958 176 (PLN 29 824 557), with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 4 954 830 (PLN 21 237 696) through the “Podkarpackie Voivodeship” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “Low-carbon economy”.