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Lazareti - Creative Hub of Dubrovnik

  • 10 April 2021

An historic complex of buildings in Dubrovnik, Croatia, has been renovated for use as a cultural venue and workspace. The final phase of works, which included rebuilding three of the complex’s naves and archaeological excavations, was completed with EU funding. Today, the venue hosts a range of events and fosters art, culture and heritage within the local community and serves tourists to the city.

“After the EU-funded final phase of renovation, Lazareti is now the creative hub of Dubrovnik. Exhibitions, concerts, workshops, lectures, and events are organised in the five western naves. The two central naves are home to the Linđo Folk Music Ensemble. The Art Workshop Lazareti, Deša and Lero Student Theatre organise their activities in the three eastern naves.”

Marko Miljanić, department for EU funds, regional and international cooperation, city of Dubrovnik, Croatia

The Lazareti complex consists of several interconnected naves and courtyards that were built in the 17th century to house people that were quarantined before being allowed into Dubrovnik. The building’s exteriors have been carefully preserved to maintain their historic appearance, while the facilities inside have been modernised.

As well as completely rebuilding three of the complex’s 10 naves, EU funds were used to procure new equipment for the venue. Renewable energy sources have been used for outdoor illumination and the old lighting was replaced with LEDs.

A venue for a range of tastes

Dubrovnik is a popular tourist attraction in southern Croatia. The Lazareti creative hub is near the eastern entrance to the city’s UNESCO-protected old town and overlooks the city’s historic harbour.

Several archaeological discoveries were made during excavations for the renovations. The project was led by the City of Dubrovnik, which now manages the creative hub. Several public institutions, NGOs and private enterprises were involved, and their collaboration allows the Lazareti to offer a comprehensive programme of activities.

The building complex includes four halls that have hosted exhibitions on Croatian history and culture. Additional gallery areas within the hub cater for art exhibitions.

Music concerts are a regular staple on the hub’s calendar. A couple of the naves are home to the Linđo Folk Music Ensemble. Linđo is a popular and traditional dance in the region, which is accompanied by music played on a lijerica, a Dalmatian string instrument. The ensemble has performed around the globe and the Lazareti provides an ideal base where they can perform and rehearse while they are not on tour.

Fostering culture

The Lazareti are not only used for performances and exhibitions. The creative hub includes naves that have been converted into workshops and shops.

The creative hub is designed to be inclusive. The Lazareti’s tour guides have been trained to guide persons with disabilities and a model of the Lazareti has been adapted to help blind persons navigate the premises. All facilities satisfy the legal requirements for new buildings in Dubrovnik.

Looking to the future is an important aspect of the hub’s activities. The Lero Student Theatre is based in one of the naves, which hosts regular performances by young and upcoming actors.  

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Lazareti - Creative Hub of Dubrovnik” is EUR 4 504 327, with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 3 466 076 through the “Competitiveness and Cohesion” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period.