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Investment scheme set to improve key motorway route

  • 29 December 2014

Construction of two sections of motorway between Maliakos and Kleidi on the PATHE highway in eastern Greece – along with various related works – looks set to reduce accident rates, journey times and improve road conditions.

The new stretches of motorway are being built between Evangelismos and Rapsani (14.48 km) and between Platamonas and Skotina (10.23 km). The scheme also brings 204 km of existing road up to the same level of quality. In addition improvements to the traffic and environmental conditions are being carried out on the existing Evangelismos-Skotina national road, which will continue to operate as a scenic route.

Widespread benefits

This project seeks to provide a safe, fast motorway which will play its part in rejuvenating the regions it passes through, as well as the Greek economy in general. Enhancing road conditions is expected to cut average journey times along the route from 100 minutes to 81 minutes while reducing costs for both passenger and freight transport. The changes should also promote safety and reduce road accidents.  

For the new sections of motorway, the project includes construction of three tunnels, two bridges and two grade-level junctions. On the existing parts, works include the rehabilitation and upkeep of the road and the introduction of grade-level junctions in the Katerini area. Finally, four new motorist service areas are being developed, along with four operational centres and eight toll posts.

The entire project is expected to generate 96 jobs during the implementation phase and 360 upon completion.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Completion of the road axis Maliakos – Kleidi” is EUR 1 441 882 904, of which the EU’s Cohesion Fund is contributing EUR 699 108 961 from the Operational Programme “Reinforcing Accessibility” for the 2007 to 2013 programming period  under the priority “Road transport – trans-European road network”.